
  • Jun 14, 2023
  • Joined Nov 11, 2009
  • 0 best answers
  • Just installed 1.7. Haven't really played with it too much, but I can't find an option which allows you to only allow registered users to create a ticket. This is from 1.5-rc5 (http://www.openscriptsolution.com/2009/10/20/password-needed-to-activate-a-ticket-in-osticket-v1-6-rc5(http://www.openscriptsolution.com/2009/10/20/password-needed-to-activate-a-ticket-in-osticket-v1-6-rc5))

    Is the option there, and I just didn't see it? If not, I will create a patch.

  • Hmm, it says the scp is not accessible (404). It looks like at least the client side is still there, albeit with problems!

    Are you sure you ONLY deleted the setup folder? You didn't change anything else? And it was working before you did that?

    I think you will probably solve this fastest by reinstalling. Perhaps try uploading the setup folder again...

  • Good thinking - I was pretty much stumped.

  • Ok, that is simple enough.

    Go to the admin panel, and click emails, then the template sub-tab.

    Select the template you are using, which is as likely as not the default, and probably the only one there!

    Here you are presented with a series of templates. They are used for things such as letting a user know they have posted a message, letting staff know they have gotten a ticket, etc etc.

    Using the variables is really pretty easy. Whenever you want to include data such as the ticketID, you use the matching variable - in this case you would use %ticketID.

    So, instead of writing:

    Hi, your ticket number is ????

    you would write

    Hi, your ticket number is %ticketID

    Immediately before the email goes out, osTicket replaces the variables (such as ticketID) with the value you want to be in the email.

    Have a go - you won't break anything by trying this (no promises, but it is highly unlikely!!)

  • Glad you got it working. And thanks for posting the solution - now others will benefit too!

  • The main thing is that it is now working!!

  • the problem is to do with the commented out code. I assume you are trying to apply a mod. You need to DELETE that code (instead of commenting it out), and it should be OK.

  • OK, you need to use

    if ((!$this->is_email($this->input)) OR (!$this->input == '') ){ // IF NOT email format then...

    That is, the one with the exclamation mark (!)

    There is a second place in class.ticket.php where you need to change

    $fields = array('type'=>'email', 'required'=>1, 'error'=>'Email is required');

    so the 1 is a 0.

    This creates a ticket for me. The downside is that the system is incapable of emailing the client, as there is no email address. The system seems to handle that fairly gracefully...

    ...but... (isn't there always a but)

    the way osTicket knows to append a response to a current ticket, or create a new ticket, seems to be a combination of the ticketID and the users email address... What happens if there is NO email address? I'm not sure. You will find out. There are a couple of theoretical possibilities. ALL responses could be combined into current tickets in a muddled way, all responses could create new tickets, the system could work perfectly...

    How will the client log in to review their ticket if they don't have an email address?? It won't work. This means the client is NEVER able to follow up on the ticket: they won't get an email, and they can't log in...

    Looks like this is not really a viable option. At least not unless there is another way for the client to follow up on their ticket...

  • Do you get the '1 of 1 tickets successfully deleted' message?

    Are there any errors in the error log?

  • Stick with osTicket, and keep your eyes open because the username/password is planned for a future version. No release date as yet though....

  • And the issue continues? Does it happen every time, or only some times? Can you try with a variety of email addresses, and see if that changes anything?

  • Gotcha - so much like there is an option for "Department Members (spammy)" for 'new tickets', you would like the same for 'new messages'?

    I would start by hunting down the code which emails staff when a new ticket comes in. Then I would hunt down the code which emails staff when a new message comes in. Then I would compare the two, and see if it was as easy as copying and pasting the code (which it won't be, but it is nice to think it would!!).

    It will probably be fairly similar, and modifying it shouldn't be too difficult, I would guess. Have a go, and see how it works out.

  • 1. I guess if you are creating a ticket on behalf of someone else, it would be unusual to include your own signature on that ticket... I imagine that is why the option is not there.

    2. Not sure - never really done it. Perhaps have a look at the templates in the scp and see if you can modify it there.

    3. You can definitely do this. You will need to edit include/staff/newTicket.inc.php to include a dropdown box with options of the 'premade' issues. There shouldn't be any modification to PHP required, so as long as you have basic html skills, you should be OK. There is a great tutorial on the forum for this - have a look around, search for 'adding new fields' - you don't need to add a new field, just read the bit about adding the field to newTicket.inc.php

    4. You need to increase the size of the field in the database. I had to do that too, as our staff tend to have fairly long signatures!!

  • It is trying to call include/class.sys.php

    Check at the top of the file, there is a line which looks like this:


    This calls mail.inc.php, which defines various things. Check that it contains a line which looks like this:

    require(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.sys.php'); //system loader & config & logger.

    This calls the sys class.

    Check that there is a file 'include/class.sys.php'.

    Frankly, I would be surprised if all of these things are not there. Surely you would get more significant errors if they were missing, but they are the most obvious things I would check for.

    Have you made any modifications to the code??

  • That looks OK to me. One thought - is short tags enabled? If you change the opening tag in the file you used to get the php info to <? instead of <?php does it still work?

    Perhaps try re-downloading osTicket, and do a clean install using a separate database prefix (eg ost1_ instead of ost_). Also, try in a different folder, so that you don't accidentally end up with one or two of the old files.

    If you do this, and it still doesn't work, then it is definitely a server issue, and probably something one of the developers will have to look into!

  • Good point - otherwise others will ask the same question, and it will need to be followed up!! Saves everyone's time if they can find an answer on the forums without asking!!

  • I have had issues with correct sorting too. I moved on to more urgent things, so haven't really done much with it as yet.

    I am assuming that the sorting you refer to is in the staff control panel, where you can sort by various columns?

    The file in question is most likely includes/staff/tickets.inc.php

    It would also be helpful if you could identify which colums are sorting 'correctly' and which are not.

  • Strange...

    Does the email client add other characters before the '-- do not edit --', so it becomes something like '>> -- do not edit -- '?

  • Internal notes should appear in the ticket view, below the ticket information, but above the replies.

    Maybe try again, and post back if you continue to have problems.

  • Just check that it looks OK on a variety of screen sizes!