- Edited
new ticket alert
can someone confirm the following
on creating a new ticket from staff panel - alert does not go to user.
even though "Send alert to user." is ticked.
new ticket alert
can someone confirm the following
on creating a new ticket from staff panel - alert does not go to user.
even though "Send alert to user." is ticked.
Do you think it's time to create a osTicket 1.7 (Upcoming Version) forum section? I just added a feature request but I had to add it under the osTicket 1.6 area. Just a suggestion... :-)
As administrator, in staff panel, when clicking on "New ticket", I get this message :Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /var/www/html/ost/include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php on line 312
(I'm on linux)
You probably have (short_open_tag) (i.e. <? ?>) disabled, which is the default on PHP 5. I've noticed that some files have a mix of short/long PHP tags causing this issue.
The best solution for this is to open the affected files in your favorite editor and search for <? and correct any instances of just "<?" with "<?php" and save the file. So far I've had to correct include/client/faq.inc.php and include/staff/ticket-open.inc.php, but there may be others.
A quick-and-dirty hack would be to edit your php.ini file and set short_open_tag to On. But I do not recommend this.
A quick-and-dirty hack would be to edit your php.ini file and set short_open_tag to On. But I do not recommend this.
v1.7 should be free of short_open_tag requirement - we'll fix the instances we missed.
@[deleted] - I plan on doing so with RC2 release.
Hi Peter,
great news on this. I'm missing a native core integrated translation system, so that osTicket can be easily translated in other languages without hacks or something like that. The spreading of osTicket over the world and the usability will increase much more than an only English translated osTicket system ;)
I'd like to do the German translation, if you need help here :)
No print option for client, just for staff?! :(
Hi Peter,..
I'd like to do the German translation, if you need help here :)
and I can do the french one :)
@[deleted] and jeffy,
You two make me smile. Just saying. Thanks for offering the help. Hopefully they will take you both up on your offers.
@yaqwer and jeffy,You two make me smile. Just saying. Thanks for offering the help. Hopefully they will take you both up on your offers.
'cause there is no Like-Button here, i say: LIKE!
And, ntozier, celebrate your 1000th post soon!
Problems with installing
I have problems with installing 1.7 RC1. At the beginning after the Database settings it will show me after Install now:
Unknown or invalid schema signature (49478749dc680eef08b7954bd568cfd1 .. 234d1e838ce986ec10c4c23beb1231a7)
What is the Problem?
Greetings for Germany
New user here and never used osTicket before. I installed the latest 1.7 RC1 and figured out all of the issues I've had so far except for one.
Under Help Topics I have my Support topic set to "Auto-assign To: Support Team". In my Support Team, I have 2 users right now. However, once a new ticket comes in the Assigned To shows "— Unassigned —".
I also tried changing the Auto-assign to s specific person, but it still shows unassigned when a new ticket comes in.
What I'd really like (and it sounds like osTicket supports this), is for all new tickets to be randomly assigned to one of our staff members. This way everyone is responsible for the tickets that come in.
Is this possible? Is this not working for me due to a bug in 1.7 or because I may have not configured something correctly?
Problem with ticket count
I'm logged with admin account and I have the ticket count to 1 although there are two in the tab..
Congrats to the team!
I haven't checked the forum in a bit, and was excited to find RC2 available.
I'd like to thank the osT team for their hard work. The updates to the system look much more modern, and the flow seems pretty good. Installation was able to be done without issue.
I'm happy to report that the new changes really work well for me and my installation. The only concern that I had was that all of the them changes I have made will need to be redone, but that shouldn't be too difficult.
Although I realize that the system works well on its own, I am interested in the possibility of integrating a system like this so that it can work within a company's website. Has anyone given thought to this? I'd be interested to work with them on how this could be done. I think being able to integrate it could really propel the system forward into the spotlight for simple but flexible system that would strengthen a company's online presence moving forward.
Cheers on the excellence and success of osT!
I'm planning on doing this too... The way I did it for last version was to re-implement client interface into the other website. But this is not a clean way to do it.
This is why I wait for explainations for what are APIs and how to use it because I'm pretty sure that this is what I'm looking for...
I have also read that there have been changes on client-side view so that it could be integrated into a website.. I'm really interested to have an example too :)
So far, I'm very surprised and happy to see that most of my mods in OST 1.6 are integrated into OST 1.7. There are some points that need to be done but I think we can thank the small team of OST developers:)
I agree... Of all people, I understand how valuable time is. I'm driving an hour to and from work, and I got a yours, mine, and ours house filled with 7 kids that take all the time I can find. I get it.
I'm really hoping that we can get something done that allows us to integrate the awesome features of osT into a plug that works well in WP. I'd really like the finished product on a site like codecanyon so we can funnel some money back to the people that deserve it, and hopefully that will allow development to really grow.
I am also having trouble with the auto-assign to field, it is saying unassigned. Is there something I have done wrong, or is this still an issue in the beta version?
Seeing an odd thing in RC2: New Ticket alerts are working, but in the default template, the %message variable causes the Subject line to be inserted. However, if I add %subject to the template, then that embeds the actual Subject field, and %message inserts the "Issue description" field.
Is it supposed to do this?
File Upload Error but no attachment
i have install the Version 1.7 RC2.
If i reply as costumer in Webinterface i see as staff a second item with "File Upload Error Invalid file type for". The costumer don't upload a file.
See attachment
faq/Knowledgebase Error
Hey all i do not know if any one has posted this but i placed a faq in admin and when i try and view on client side i get this i am using windows xampp as server app other items work fine i used the old FAQ mod with no problems i am thinksing this is relater to i use C as root and then the path is linux style but i do not do coding lol ;)
Warning: require_once(C:\xampp\htdocs\osTickbeta/include/client/faq-category.inc.php) : failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\osTickbeta\kb\faq.php on line 34
Fatal error: require_once() : Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\osTickbeta/include/client/faq-category.inc.php' (include_path='./;C:\xampp\htdocs\osTickbeta/include/;C:\xampp\htdocs\osTickbeta/include/pear/') in C:\xampp\htdocs\osTickbeta\kb\faq.php on line 34
I tested the system and I miss translations for front-end and back-end.
I can help you get it??