when i want to print a ticket.....  blank screen.... no printers and no printing?any idea?

Apache version 2.4.9

MySQL version 5.6.19

PHP 5.5.14

Firefox v30

IE 10

If you are getting a blank screen then its likely that you are encountering an error.  You would want to consult your PHP error log.  You can find the location of your PHP error log in your php.ini.Alternatively you can turn on error display in osTicket.  Direction on how to do that can be found here:Q: How do I turn on error displaying for osTicket?http://www.tmib.net/osticket-v19x-frequently-asked-questions-faq#2You would want to post the error that you are getting here so that we can assist you.

thanks ntozieri turn on error display on osTicketFatal error: Call to undefined function gzcompress() in /usr/local/www/apache24/data/helpdesk/upload/include/mpdf/mpdf.php on line 8482i compile extension gzip for phpi turn on  zlib on php.inizlib.output_compression = Oni can now print PDFThanks For that

Glad that you got that sorted.  I will make this as resolved and close

the thread.  Should you have another question, comment, etc please start

a new thread.  Oh and thanks for posting your solution here!  Hopefully

someone else experiencing a similar issue will see this and it will

help them.

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