Multilingual Version

Hi, I have change the client frontend to use with the Multilingual version of Rhyu50, but if somebody wants to help me to translate the rest of the proyect, we can do a multilingual standar version.

Or if anybody wants only the translate part I can put in a server to download.

Here I post the English language



define('LANG_WELCOME','Welcome to the support center.');

define('LANG_INTRO','In order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize a support ticket system. Every support request is assigned a unique ticket number which you can use to track the progress and responses online. For your reference we provide complete archives and history of all your support requests.');

define('LANG_NEWTICKET','Submit a new support request. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can best assist you. To update a previously submitted ticket, please use the form to the right. A valid email address is required.');

define('LANG_CHECK_MSG','Check status of previously opened ticket. we provide archives and history of all your support requests complete with responses.');



define('LANG_OPEN_NEW','Open New Ticket');

define('LANG_CHECK','Check Status');


define('LANG_TICKET_CREATED','Support ticket request created');

define('LANG_OPEN_ERROR','Unable to create a ticket. Please correct errors below and try again!');


define('LANG_NOACCESS','Access Denied. Possibly invalid ticket ID');

define('LANG_ERR_OPEN','Security violation. Repeated violations will result in your account being locked.');

define('LANG_MESSAGE_REQUIERED','Message required');

define('LANG_MESSAGE_SUCCESS','Message Posted Successfully');

define('LANG_UNABLE_TOPOST','Unable to post the message. Try again');

define('LANG_ERR_OCURED','Error(s) occured. Please try again');

define('LANG_UNKNOWN_ACTION','Uknown action');



define('LANG_INVALID_TYPE','Invalid file type');

define('LANG_TOO_BIG','File is too big. Max ');

define('LANG_BYTES_ALLOWED',' bytes allowed');


define('LANG_SUPPORT_SYSTEM','Support Ticket System');

define('LANG_OFFLINE','Support Ticket System Offline');

define('LANG_OFFLINE_MESSAGE','Thank you for your interest in contacting us.<br> Our helpdesk is offline at the moment, please check back at a later time.');

// include/client/

define('LANG_OPEN_MESSAGE','Please fill in the form below to open a new ticket.');

define('LANG_FULL_NAME','Full Name:');

define('LANG_EMAIL_ADDRESS','Email Address:');


define('LANG_HELP_TOPIC','Help Topic:');

define('LANG_SELECT_ONE','Select One');

define('LANG_GENERAL_INQUIRY','General Inquiry');





define('LANG_OPEN_TICKET','Open Ticket');



// include/client/


define('LANG_LOGOUT','Log Out');

define('LANG_MY_TICKETS','My Tickets');

define('LANG_TICKET_STATUS','Ticket Status');

define('LANG_NEW_TICKET','New Ticket');


define('LANG_SUPPORT_CENTER','Support Center');

define('LANG_SELECT_LANG',"Select Language");


define('LANG_ACCESS_DENIED','Access Denied');

define('LANG_INVALID_ATTACH','Invalid Attachment');


define('LANG_FATAL_ERROR','Fatal Error.');

define('LANG_ERR_OFFLINE','Support ticket system is offline');


define('LANG_AUTH_REQUIRED','Authentication Required');

define('LANG_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN','You\'ve reached maximum failed login attempts allowed. Try again after 5 minutes or <a href="open.php">open a new ticket</a>');

define('LANG_INVALID_LOGIN','Invalid login');

define('LANG_FORGOT_LOGIN','Forgot your login info? Please <a href="open.php">open a new ticket</a>.');

define('LANG_TOOMUCH_LOGIN','Excessive login attempts by a client\n');


define('LANG_ATTEMPTS','Attempts #');

define('LANG_TOOMUCH_LOGIN_ADMIN','Excessive login attempts (client)');


define('LANG_UNABLE_DB','Unable to connect to the DB');

define('LANG_UNABLE_CONFIG','Unable to load config info');

define('LANG_FATAL_DB','Fatal DB Error');

define('LANG_FATAL_ERROR_ADM','<b>Fatal Error:</b> Contact site admin.');

// api/pipe.php

define('LANG_SERVICES_UNAVAILABLE','Services not available!');

define('LANG_NO_DATA','No data');

define('LANG_PARSE_FAILED','Email parse failed');

define('LANG_INVALID_FROM_ADDRESS','Invalid FROM address');

// include/client/

define('LANG_RIGHTS_RESERVED','All rights reserved');

// include/client/

define('LANG_VIEW_STATUS_DESC','To view the status of a ticket, provide us with your login details below.<br/> If this is your first time contacting us or you\'ve lost the ticket ID, please');

define('LANG_CLICK_HERE','click here');

define('LANG_TO_OPEN_TICKET',' to open a new ticket.');

define('LANG_VIEW_STATUS','View Status');

// include/client/

define('LANG_THANK_YOU','Thank you for contacting us.<br> A support ticket request has been created and a representative will be getting back to you shortly if necessary.');

define('LANG_EMAIL_SENT','An email with the ticket number has been sent to');

define('LANG_NEED_INFO','You\'ll need the ticket number along with your email to view status and progress online. ');

define('LANG_ADD_COMMENTS','If you wish to send additional comments or information regarding same issue, please follow the instructions on the email.');

define('LANG_SUPPORT_TEAM','Support Team');

// include/client/

define('LANG_TICKETS',' Tickets');

define('LANG_ALL_TICKETS',' All Tickets');

//Add to show correct the lang

define('LANG_OPEN_TICKETS','Open Tickets');

define('LANG_CLOSED_TICKETS','Closed Tickets');



//end add

define('LANG_VIEW_OPEN','View Open');

define('LANG_VIEW_CLOSE','View Closed');


define('LANG_SORT_TICKET','Sort By Ticket ID');

define('LANG_HEAD_TICKET','Ticket #');

define('LANG_SORT_DATE','Sort By Date');

define('LANG_HEAD_DATE','Create Date');



define('LANG_SORT_DEPARTMENT','Sort By Category'); //Is correct?



define('LANG_NO_TICKETS','NO tickets found.');

// include/client/

define('LANG_TICKET_STATUS','Ticket Status:');


define('LANG_DATE','Create Date:');



define('LANG_TICKET_THREAD','Ticket Thread');

define('LANG_WILL_REOPEN','Ticket will be reopened on message post');

define('LANG_ENTER_MESSAGE','Enter Message');

define('LANG_ATTACH_FILE','Attach File');

define('LANG_POST_REPLY','Post Reply');

// /include/clas.pagenate.php




5 months later

for everybody want help with this api translate:

17 days later

multilanguage available?

Hi all,

is there a multilanguage version available? Where can I find it?

Any help highly appreciated!

22 days later

I did a multilanguage edition of osTicket 1.6 rc4

This is an osTicket Multilanguage edition.

Every text is in client/ file.

If you have to edit a sentence, just edit the second part of each line in that file.

define("DO_NOT_EDIT", "Do not edit");

I hope osTicket company will continue this development... just to allow us to use osTicket in every language.

(Mirror 1)

(Mirror 2)

Email me @ salvatore.baglieri (at)

French language pack + fixed accent issue

Is there any French language pack + fixed accent issue...

I want to use it multilanguage french / english

Any working solution is welcome.



a month later

Yes - we need a spanish version... ideally we should be able to run a version that let's the user switch.

a month later

If someone want the complete tree of my osticket, let me your email adresse, i'll send you a zip file. All works now.

Hello Rhyu50

I'm very interested by the traduction in french, can you give me the process

Thank !!!


translate for other languages


If you want translate for other language, please get the file:

translate the content of file and send for with subject: Translate for my language for OsTicket.

I will put the new package with translate in my wiki:

for now I working on RC5 path for my new translate method.

Thanks for All.

21 days later

I have emailed you the Dutch translation. Hope to hear from you soon..

a month later

started work for Translate RC6

Hi Guys! :)

I stated the work for translate RC6 for all languages . If you want help-me go to:

Or, please :, send me the file on link: translated for you language, for e-mail


8 days later

i've downloaded the multilanguage edition and uploaded/installed it like the normal procedure . but doenst seem to work after installation.

is there some other work i've to do? please help!

5 days later

new corrections for osticket multilanguage fork:

new corrections for osticket multilanguage fork: (


Your posts are starting to look like spam. Create a thread on Mods selection of the forum for the mod.

Everyone - We are already working on adding multilingual support to osTicket.

new corrections for osticket multilanguage fork:

@[deleted] -I'm trying a different approach that is more flexible and should allow per-client and per-staff member translations i.e. each client can have a different language and each staff member could also have a different language.

I need this where I live (Italian Riviera so Italian, French and English with a touch of German and Dutch) because I have clients who work in Italian and French but I like nterfaces in English. See my post here for the background of what I'm looking at. Your multi-language version could be changed to use the translation class approach. As you have gone through and done lots of changes obviously it is annoying to redo work but would be nice to get momentum to a more flexible per-user approach rather than a per-osticket-site language approach (don't get me going on my despising of Microsoft and their every-house-should-only-speak-one-language-and-you-can't-switch-it-to-another for the "retail" market).

15 days later

@CarlosDelfino -I'm trying a different approach that is more flexible and should allow per-client and per-staff member translations i.e. each client can have a different language and each staff member could also have a different language.

I need this where I live (Italian Riviera so Italian, French and English with a touch of German and Dutch) because I have clients who work in Italian and French but I like nterfaces in English. See my post here for the background of what I'm looking at. Your multi-language version could be changed to use the translation class approach. As you have gone through and done lots of changes obviously it is annoying to redo work but would be nice to get momentum to a more flexible per-user approach rather than a per-osticket-site language approach (don't get me going on my despising of Microsoft and their every-house-should-only-speak-one-language-and-you-can't-switch-it-to-another for the "retail" market).


I'm reading you post and think about it.

I think my approach is more flexible for change and use like multi-language version.

excuse, I am not sure if I understand your proposal.


a year later


Everyone - We are already working on adding multilingual support to osTicket.

I maybe missed something: what is the status of the multilingual version ?


Same question here. Really the only thing stopping me from using osTicket :(

I can translate into Danish if needed

Regards Henrik Skare

I maybe missed something: what is the status of the multilingual version ?


3 years later

pleace share me the process

Hello Rhyu50.

I would like that you can share the process to translate, I'm trying change the language to Spanish.

I appreciate your help.

thank you.


You should upgrade to 1.7ST and install the language mod posted by Thane in the mod section of the forums. I believe that someone already did the Spanish translation.

p.s. the thread that you just zombied is from 2009.

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