
You guys probably heard this one before, but you should realy enable the usage of language packs. I've translated my version 1.6 rc3 to portuguese, but ill discontinue with the upgrades.. Why? Because everytime I upgrade, ill have to translate everything again :/

Keep up the good work,


Indeed a multilanguage support would be very nice

2 months later

I currently develop my own translated version for multi-language. My version will have English and French. I will gladly share my work with you when i all will be complete.

http://osticket.com/forums/showthread.php?t=778(http://osticket.com/forums/showthread.php?t=778) ;)

15 days later


You guys probably heard this one before, but you should realy enable the usage of language packs. I've translated my version 1.6 rc3 to portuguese, but ill discontinue with the upgrades.. Why? Because everytime I upgrade, ill have to translate everything again :/

Keep up the good work,


hi lucas..

Can u send this version translated?

thx. Camargo

I currently develop my own translated version for multi-language. My version will have English and French. I will gladly share my work with you when i all will be complete.

Hey Rhyu50,

I would like to add dutch to the languages. Just send me a pm with an example of the english language file and I'll translate it.

5 days later

I would like to be informed when the Dutch version is done. I would also like to receive the language-mod since I was about to start translating myself.



7 days later

My translation file is completed. I just began translating the file in french. I already modify some php files to automaticaly translate de page depending of language set in a cookie. This cookie is set with setlanguage.php file that i made which is call by a list box in the header.inc.php file.

A little modification need to be done in main.inc.php to include the correct language file depending of which language is set in the cookie.

If there is a way attach files to thread, let me know. I let you see then the files i modified.

Dear Rhuy50

Under Post Reply, you have "attached files option" to zip (97kbs) ; I'm interesting by your file translation. It's a good idea. If you need a help for french translate, indicates us.



13 days later

I everyone,

This is the code is added to the main.inc.php (code in bold). I use actualy cookie keep language preference. But for now you can only set the language from the main page. You must put your 'language'.php in the include/language directory (you'll have to create it) and put the setlanguage.php in the root of osTicket.

I send some of files. But you'll have to modify all php file to replace text with constants that you can find in the languagefile

#include required files



require(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.pagenate.php'); //Pagenate helper!

require(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.config.php'); //Config helper



require(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.format.php'); //format helpers

require(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.validator.php'); //Class to help with basic form input validation...please help improve it.

if(!file_exists(INCLUDE_DIR.'language/'.$_COOKIE .'.inc.php'))

require(INCLUDE_DIR.'language/english.inc.php'); //english language pack


require(INCLUDE_DIR.'language/'.$_COOKIE .'.inc.php'); //other language pack


Oups if forget a file this is the code of /include/client/header.inc.php

this is the code for the top the client page. I added a list box with the language available on the language directory. the value attribute correspond to the name of the language file without the php extension. You must also add the javascript function at the top of the file.


$title=($cfg && is_object($cfg))?$cfg->getTitle():'osTicket :: '.I_C_H_TITLE;


&lt;!&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">&gt;



<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">


<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/main.css" media="screen">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/colors.css" media="screen">


<Script language="JavaScript">

Added by Yannick Auclair for multilangual version

function goto(form)


var index=form.select.selectedIndex

if (form.select.options.value != "0")


//alert("<?php echo(ROOT_PATH.'setlanguage.php?location='.THISPAGE);?>&language=" + form.select.options.value);

location.href = "<?php echo(ROOT_PATH.'setlanguage.php?location='.THISPAGE);?>&language=" + form.select.options.value;






<div id="container">

<div id="header">

<a id="logo" href="index.php" title="Support Center"><img src="./images/logo2.jpg" border=0 alt="Support Center"></a>

<p><span><?php echo(I_C_H_SUPPORT_TICKET);?></span> <?php echo(I_C_H_SYSTEM);?></p>


<ul id="nav">


if(is_object($thisclient) && $thisclient->isValid()) {?>

<li><a class="log_out" href="logout.php"><?php echo(I_C_H_LOGOUT);?></a></li>

<li><a class="my_tickets" href="view.php"><?php echo(I_C_H_MY_TICKET);?></a></li>

<?}else {?>

<li><a class="ticket_status" href="view.php"><?php echo(I_C_H_TICKET_STATUS);?></a></li>


<li><a class="new_ticket" href="open.php"><?php echo(I_C_H_NEW_TICKET);?></a></li>

<li><a class="home" href="index.php"><?php echo(I_C_H_HOME);?></a></li>


Added by Yannick Auclair for multilangual version//

<FORM NAME="form1"><?php echo(I_C_H_LANGUAGE);?>

<select NAME="select" ONCHANGE="javascript(this.form)">

<OPTION VALUE="">Choose a language</option>

<option value="english">English</option>

<option value="francais">Francais</option>



Added by Yannick Auclair for multilangual version//



<div id="content">

If you want to select you language on the Staff and admin section, juste add the block and the javascript function in include/staff/header.inc.php.

I suggest you to put it just after the tag if you don't want to have problem with the rendering of the pages. Then you will find the selector at the top of the page.

Don't forget to update your language file.

Sorry if this is not clear. I have a lot of job at work.


14 days later

Hello Rhyu50,

I'm very interested by the traduction in french, but I don't inderstand how to add the french translation. Can you please contact me for more information in French?

thank you

I'have implemented your solution, but by whitch varialble have we to replace the actual content ?

Have you decided to plublish your version soon ? Why your file add are not yet accepted ?

We cannot have access to them (not validate .. ) ?

13 days later

Gracias estoy buscando en español

if someone can send me french translation..




8 days later

If someone want the complete tree of my osticket, let me your email adresse, i'll send you a zip file. All works now.

2 months later



I need to use osT in portuguese.

Will this changes take effect when the users send tickets with special chatacters, like á, or ç, or ã?

I need the file pending aproval,

Please mail to xbernardo@virtualife.com.br.


Pros and cons

osTicket developers should really think of programming a more simple way to install osT in different languages. I'm talking of the many different type of character set.

For example, I'm going to use osT in portugueses (or at least I was going to use), but everytime a user sends me a ticket with special characters, like ã, or ç, it replaces the letter with an ?, in latin1 for example, or cuts de phrase, in utf-8.

It's not a big problem for developers to program that, on the basic installation, to allow the user to select available character sets that osT supports.

Seems like osT can't interpret other character than the used in English language, wich brings a bad aspect to it on the international community.

I really like the way osT treats way clients opens their tickets, without having to fill a form with their personal information, that's why I want to use it, but I'll only be able to use it when this problem is solved.



I everyone,

This is the code is added to the main.inc.php (code in bold). I use actualy cookie keep language preference. But for now you can only set the language from the main page. You must put your 'language'.php in the include/language directory (you'll have to create it) and put the setlanguage.php in the root of osTicket.

I send some of files. But you'll have to modify all php file to replace text with constants that you can find in the languagefile

#include required files



require(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.pagenate.php'); //Pagenate helper!

require(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.config.php'); //Config helper



require(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.format.php'); //format helpers

require(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.validator.php'); //Class to help with basic form input validation...please help improve it.

if(!file_exists(INCLUDE_DIR.'language/'.$_COOKIE .'.inc.php'))

require(INCLUDE_DIR.'language/english.inc.php'); //english language pack


require(INCLUDE_DIR.'language/'.$_COOKIE .'.inc.php'); //other language pack

I can't download the attached file :::