Well i talked to the development team almost 2 months ago and they said that they where working on the new version and would be released in the coming weeks, what the heck is the coming weeks, to me that means less then a month , it didnt say in the coming months so it really shouldnt take this long....
That sucks that you were given an estimate and it wasn't even closely met and I can understand your frustrations.
I have been using osticket for a couple of years.... and to me support is very limited and answers can not be answered most of the time, so why would i or anyone else pay for support when half the time we get a rude response or they are inpatient with us....
On the other hand, why would they give you support when you aren't paying for it? The ONLY way they get any money from us is to buy support which most of us don't do because there are people in the forums that can help each other for free. So the fact that they are in the forums AT ALL is actually a nice gesture on their part. They are actually cutting out on a bit of the support they could be making money on by supplying answers at all within the forum. (And I appreciate them doing this when they don't have to). Also - as a side note - I have never once seen a rude response from the staff in any of the posts I've read of theirs (of course I admit to not having read every single post of theirs so I cannot testify that they have not been rude in the past. It has simply been in my experience of reading this forum that they have always been either helpful when they can or remain silent).
I am already looking for a new help desk program that stays up to date more offten,there response to me was that they have to make a living so osticket is not there number 1 priority the paid development of other things are more inportant....
This is certainly understandable given that its been over a year since an update has been pushed out. Regular releases or AT LEAST regular posts about the progress and/or delays on why releases aren't coming would go a long way toward calming peoples fears. And on their side of things also I can understand - they have full time jobs that require alot of their attention and when they aren't working on those I assume they would like to lead normal lives with an entertainment here or there. They don't live to work, they work to live.
I really wouldnt be hopefull everyone and wait around for the new version because you will be lucky if its here by august...
How are you coming up with 'August'? Again, I understand your frustration with a lack of a recent release but now it appears you are just throwing out random dates that could throw off others unrealistically. I think its equally likely that a new version is released by the end of the month or that you are right and its beyond August. But throwing out random months when you have no real data to support this claim (I assume) is really just an attempt at exaggeration for effect.
Alot of people have already quit using osticket for lack of support and lack of keeping it updated....
Again, how do you know this? Assumption? Or do you have some sort of concrete data to support this? I think its likely that alot of people who have tried it out and stuck with it, perhaps modded it and others decided its not for them. But to claim 'alot of people have already quit using osticket' when you have no data to support your claim is simple biased guesswork.
Thats one of the reason why people use programs in the hope that new features and stuff will be added ...
Absolutely agree with you.
and everyone from osticket staff just keeps saying they dont want to add a bunch of features and bog it down....
Exaggeration again or do you have quotes from "everyone from osticket staff"?
they really need to develeop somthing to where users can keep track of the progress of any releases so we can see the work in progress kind of like phpbb does....
Yes, that would be an excellent idea.
and not to many people are gonna take osticket very seriously after this any more, so it might as well be a dead project....
Why? Because you've expressed your opinion and believe everyone will read your "review" and jump ship? The fact that this software is for one, Free, goes a long way towards attracting people. And two - its open source, so if we don't like something or something is missing - simply figure out how to add it and add it. Or if you aren't a programmer just ask in the forum - there are loads of people using this software with lots of experience that are happy to build something for you/others. I myself am among these - I have built MODs before that I have no use for - but being that the software is open source and we have a nice community here - I like to assist others in making the product fit their needs.
I hope that you have not taken me too harshly here but a few of your comments irked me enough to finally get me to respond. Basically at the end of the day - this is FREE, OPEN SOURCE software which contains no ads and the builders make no money off of (unless you buy the pro support). So that makes this essentially something they do in their free time for little to no pay. And keeping these things in mind - I think they have an excellent bit of software here and I look forward to future releases.