Yeah - tried and get:

The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

Here are some suggestions:

Reload this web page later.

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

My apologies. I just reviewed the code again and it appears I had a missing }

I have updated the code if you would like to try it again.

I would like this too. Here's how it can work:

1. Customer sends email to osTicket.

2. osTicket checks if there are any email addresses in the cc field and puts that in the column cc.

3. When the ticket is replied to, email is sent to the person who created the ticket and the email addresses in the cc field.

4. When osTicket parses the email's cc field, it should remove any email addresses that are invalid. IE name . That's invalid because the email address didn't contain the @ symbol.

5. When replying to a ticket, staff should be able to remove emails from the cc field if they need to and it will be permanent.

My apologies. I just reviewed the code again and it appears I had a missing }

I have updated the code if you would like to try it again.

Where did you update the code - I tried again, same results.

Where did you update the code - I tried again, same results.

Line 8 under the "Now replace it with:" section. I added the }

I'm going to update the code to what I'm currently using in production.

I'm going to update the code to what I'm currently using in production.

So awesome, thanks!

Alright, give'er a go. This was installed on RC5 but should work on 1.6ST. Please let me know if you find otherwise and I will go through the steps one by one on a fresh 1.6ST install.

Alright, give'er a go. This was installed on RC5 but should work on 1.6ST. Please let me know if you find otherwise and I will go through the steps one by one on a fresh 1.6ST install.

Works PERFECTLY, tested w/ attachments as well. Thank you so much!!!

Works PERFECTLY, tested w/ attachments as well. Thank you so much
Yaaaay! Guess that means I should post the mod, just realized I never have.

2 years later

Can anybody help getting this mod on to 1.7 please?


I know that it is on Scottro's to do list. Not sure when he will get to it though.

2 years later
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