We have customers who likes to keep another persons in the email loop adding them as CC to new tickets.

Currently the system doesn't count the CC or secondary TO addresses from the ticket. It would be nice that the osTicket would store all addresses and add them to all replies as well. Also to the notification of new opened ticket for customer would be nice to have other addresses included, this would keep all emails related to the ticket in same thread.

24 days later

We have customers who likes to keep another persons in the email loop adding them as CC to new tickets.

I'll second that one for the reasons mentioned and also if the help request relates to an email problem, the customer may want to use a different email address, and still have all their tickets related to their main address.


I will fully support this feature! It's most certainly needed by my organization!;)

9 months later

Add other email addresses to reply

The feature to add additional email addresses would be a feature would be great if added to tickets. We often have to send replies to multiple respondints or cc multiple others. We look forward to this enhancement. ASAP would be great ;)

Have you tried working around this by using distribution lists or alias's?

25 days later

Multiple email

Have you tried working around this by using distribution lists or alias's?

Can you give an example please. Using Osticket on Linux server with clients being XP Pro / Outlook 2007

When a emergency water locate comes in, the ticket needs to be created and sent out to three supervisors. Streets, wastewater and water depts.

Thanks Tracy

An alias is setup on your email server that masks multiple addresses behind it.

I wont say that an Alias and a Distribution List are exactly the same, but they function similarly. Distribution List's is the terminology used on Exchange (which outlook can connect to).

An alias could be support@mycompany.com

Any emails sent to support@mycompany.com would also send to:




I'm pretty sure you can also put another alias under an alias.

So you could make a Multi.MGTsupport@mycompany.com it could send to

management@partnercompany.com (management at partner company)

poberman@mycompany.com (internal management)

management@sistercompany.com (management at sister company)


Sending an email to Multi.MGTsupport@mycompany.com notified your entire support group, your management and the 3 companies you are partnered/sistered with that need notification as well.

Notice that the partner and sister companies are using aliases and not direct emails. This way when people change positions in a company its up to the sister or partner company to change their alias or distribution list.

Outlook 2007 WITH Exchange does this with distribution lists.

If you have an Exchange server for your outlook. You are probably using this already. You just need distribution lists setup similar to the way alias's are and then swap the direct address for the distribution list addresses.

If you are using Outlook and using pop3 accounts on them, you'll need to use aliases that are setup on your companies web/email service.

Please note: Osticket can be used in a variety of business types.

I don't think this will in anyway resolve the original posters request.

Was the OP wanting to have the CC'd email through an email ticket used as secondary email for notifications?

My suggestion will only help those that use are trying to notify multiple static members from one or more organizations. This will not add any support if your trying to notify dynamic customers who fill in second or third email addresses.

Multiple email

Thank you. We have put in a request for a dist list/alias called locates to our mail server company. Not sure who will close the ticket but we think the ticket originator will close it once all three depts. have put in comments that they have done their locate. Thanks again.

3 months later

I think this would be a great feature to have as well.

3 months later

Yes on Group Mailing

I agree.

That means you would need to add:

-- A Company or Group Field

-- A field which recognizes who can edit within the group

anyone create a mod for this? would be helpful, at most I would need one additional e-mail address on tickets. Lists wouldn't work for me because the two people would frequently change.

a month later

I'm in need of this feature as well. Distribution lists would only help for a small portion of my client needs. I'm willing to hire a competent developer who can modify this for me. Please contact me if anyone has done/can do this. Thanks!

3 months later

Multiple Customer Email Addresses

Yes, this feature would be a very BIG plus for my organisation.

2 months later

Hopefully this idea hasn't been pushed under the rug! We could extremely utilize this feature. Many of our tickets end up need to involve another person or more.

Thanks for all you do!


Not swept under the rug at all. :) We agree. It's a useful feature.

22 days later

combination ticket/sender mail

Someone should advance this mod multi-receiver / multi-sender mail?

I wanted to know how you manage the same ticket if sent by another sender, you use a different key combination ticket / email ticket like a other alphanuméric key '#321-FTYPHY'.

For now, even with same ticket but another mail, it opens another ticket.

It's a bit annoying to track!!

3 months later

anyone have the mod for this. so we can CC extra email address while sending the emails out?.

10 months later

anyone have the mod for this. so we can CC extra email address while sending the emails out?.

Any progress on this via a mod etc. for 1.6 Stable?

Any progress on this via a mod etc. for 1.6 Stable?

Is this what you are looking for?

This will allow for changing the To address, or adding to it (with commas separating addresses)


Is this what you are looking for?

This will allow for changing the To address, or adding to it (with commas separating addresses)


Yeah - tried and get:

The website encountered an error while retrieving http://domain.com/support/scp/tickets.php(http://domain.com/support/scp/tickets.php). It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

Here are some suggestions:

Reload this web page later.

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.