Hi Team,

We are seeing lot of DB Error #1062 post our upgrade to osticket v1.18.x . We are already aware that its a warning caused due to a duplicate session in the database trying to insert same information. Is thier a way to mitigate this ? if so, please share us your thoughts.

DB Error #1062
[INSERT INTO ost_thread_referral SET thread_id = 1477409, object_id = 1, object_type = 'D', created = NOW()] Duplicate entry '1-D-1477409' for key 'ref'<br /> <br /> ---- Backtrace ----<br /> #0 (root)/include/mysqli.php(211): osTicket->logDBError('DB Error #1062', '[INSERT INTO o...')<br /> #1 (root)/include/class.orm.php(3482): db_query('INSERT INTOos...', true, true)<br /> #2 (root)/include/class.orm.php(658): MySqlExecutor->execute()<br /> #3 (root)/include/class.thread.php(1961): VerySimpleModel->save()<br /> #4 (root)/include/class.thread.php(380): ThreadReferral::create(Array)<br /> #5 (root)/include/class.ticket.php(3039): Thread->refer(Object(Dept))<br /> #6 (root)/include/class.thread.php(588): Ticket->systemReferral(Array)<br /> #7 (root)/include/class.thread.php(910): Thread->postEmail(Array, Object(ThreadEntry))<br /> #8 (root)/include/api.tickets.php(188): ThreadEntry->postEmail(Array)<br /> #9 (root)/include/api.tickets.php(267): TicketApiController->processEmail()<br /> #10 (root)/api/pipe.php(26): PipeApiController::process('cli')<br /> #11 {main}

    4 months later

    KevinTheJedi, We are seeing this more frequently than before and its been quite a while since upgrade.
    It looks like something going wrong with system referal. Is their anything we can do about it?

    I see the issues raised below, but no solution or workaround has been proposed




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