Our server administrators have tried increasing our resources. However, we still cannot access the Answered and Overdue tickets. Today, I did in-depth research regarding how OSTicket builds its query. As a result, I have found this similar issue posted on github (November 24, 2023):
There are two solutions presented to this issue:
- Change LEFT JOIN on ticket__cdata to an INNER JOIN
- Setting automatic optimizer search depth in MariaDB config: optimizer_search_depth = 0
Since I cannot change our MariaDB Config, I have found a way to implement the first solution.
On includes/class.ticket.php Line 94, I have added this item:
On includes/class.orm.php Line 2818 under compileJoin() method, I have added another condition here:
Now, I can access Answered and Overdue tickets. It is also loading more quickly than before.