This is my /includes/class.mail.php, where do I change this in osTicket version 1.18 for the emails to work, I am using Gmail
Error configuring IMAP - stream_socket_client Unknown Error
Install the latest release of v1.18.1 from our website, install the latest build of the OAuth2 plugin from our website, install/enable the URL Rewrite module on your web server, follow the below guide to configure Gmail Modern Authentication (OAuth2):
KevinTheJedi This worked for me, Thanks so much!
KevinTheJedi Apparently after setting up the 0 Auth for Google, everything worked fine for a few days, (The Token Key Expires today, as per Screenshot) then the same error started happening again, also during ticket creation, It takes even 3-5 Minutes to submit a ticket, anything i should double check?
Access Tokens expire quickly (same day) and when expires we use the Refresh Token to refresh and get a new Access Token.
What error are you talking about specifically?
If it takes that long on ticket creation it could be different things but it sounds like it’s taking awhile to send an email.
KevinTheJedi I am not yet familiar with the Refresh Tokens, how do I go about it and what steps can I take to get the refresh tokens? I realized that it takes a while to send an email.!
The refresh token is already retrieved when you authorize the email. Then every time the access token is refreshed automatically the refresh token is updated as well.
KevinTheJedi Thanks for the feedback, however still the emails are not yet being received even when the tokens are updated! How do I proceed from There?
Did you enable email fetching globally (Admin Panel > Emails > Settings > Email Fetching > Enabled) and setup a cron job?
When i do this, I run into the above error!
KevinTheJedi Yes i do have email fetching enabled globally
Ahh network unreachable is the error. Seems like that host or port is blocked on your server. You need to contact your server admin and/or hosting provider to have them look into why you cannot connect to that host and port from your webserver.
If you have a external web hosting company contact them like Kevin suggested.
If you are running your own server (in house or in the cloud) you would want to check logs for any security software you are running on the host.
Or if you have your own firewall it could also blocking.
If you do, check firewall logs to see why its getting blocked.
Unfortunately, we are facing the same issue with our osTicket installation (ubuntu VM):
We cannot connect to the on-premises exchange mail server 2019 (contains trusted, third-party signed SSL certificate) through osTicket:
because we get the exact same error:
which changes when I add the tls:// prefix to the mail server name:
I could not find anything related to the issue in the local log files (web server or php) and I have petitioned and waiting for the mail server logs.
Not sure how to proceed regarding the SSL certificate, any help is welcome.
Sounds like that port is blocked on your server/firewall or maybe your host doesn't allow external IMAP/POP3? If using Microsoft it's likely you are forced to use Modern Authentication.
Osticket installed on windows or linux ?
after trying the fix you have mentioned ticket page gets white screen.
- Edited
Those changes are already merged into v1.18.1.
Here is the fix from the OP: