Dear ALL,
I am unable to export closed tickets from admin panel when i try to export below mention white screen appear

All Error logs are proper

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • BLAL did you get it solved? I have the same issue, I worked on the php.ini with no success. I run it on a windows server.
    BR waczny


    You will need to review your logs (general server logs, webserver error logs, PHP error logs, MySQL/MariaDB error logs, osTicket System Logs, Browser Console logs, etc.) for any related errors.


      6 days later


      That is not related. You will need to check your other error logs on the server.



      Then please contact your server admin to look further into this. There should be logs somewhere.


      11 days later

      BLAL did you get it solved? I have the same issue, I worked on the php.ini with no success. I run it on a windows server.
      BR waczny

        7 days later
        4 days later

        @waczny you should really start your own thread and include your system environment information.
        No one posted anything about that so there is really no way to know if it is the same problem, or just the same symptom.

        a month later
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