KevinTheJedi same thing with 1.18.1

- Nov 18, 2024
- Joined Nov 12, 2021
- 5 best answers
I can reproduce the same if I create a new ticket (running v1.18).
Choices in form field:
Choices when creating a new ticket:
BR waczny
I added in 1.17.3 a third Data source by just extending it in the class.queue.php and it worked, now with 1.18 it wont even the class.queue.php was the same in both versions.
Anyone has an idea? I can select the dropdowns in the third source but it wont let me save it.
Sorry I know this is a mod question, but I wonder what would have changed on the osTicket side.
I would still appreciate any help.Happy Friday
wacznyIs it possible to get a email notification when a ticket was closed?
BR wacznyHi Lennert,
please write in English so people can help you.
If I understand you right, you would like to have the Open ticket queue with another criteria for tickets from the past?
If this is the case you can go to Settings > Tickets > Queues > YOUROPENTICKETQUEUE and simply add another criteria such as "Create Date" > "in the past".I hope this is what you need.
Otherwise if you have problems expressing your problem in English, write it here and I will try to understand you and to translate it.
Happy Friday
waczny- Best Answerset by KevinTheJedi
Ok got I need a leading 0
I am confused.
Here it works perfectly fine:
and here in this list it puts 10 before 2
ok but why is it then that C10.1 is before C2? Or even C10 1 comes before C2?
This is how it sorts it alphabetically:
Should it not be A-Z > 0-9 > 10 -19 > etc?
Hello and Happy new year,
if I create a custom list and I sort it alphabetically are there any "special" rules?I have a list with the items:
11.2now it sorts it like this:
9Can I influence this by using a different separator like 10-1 ? I tried some but nothing really helped. Maybe I am missing something.
Best regards
wacznyWhy does it recommend an upgrade? Where does the system even get the information from that there is a newer version?
BR waczny
KevinTheJedi I re-created it no big deal
have a nice weekend.
KevinTheJedi lol now I messed around with the criteria and now my whole custom queue is messed up -.-
KevinTheJedi thanks for your help, but yes you assume right, that's not what I wanted.
It would be to talk on a daily basis about current open tickets and recent closed tickets in order to see what was worked on n days ago.Happy Friday,
I don't know if I have a logical error but is it possible with the queue search criteria to look for the following:
Open Tickets & tickets closed up to n days.
I want to have an overview about open tickets and recently closed tickets in the same queue.
BR wacznyHi,
is it possible to modify anything of the dashboard visualization without modifying the codebase?
BR wacznyCan I just copy and paste list items from one DB to another?
Like copy the values and set the list id.
Is there any risk to do this, or can it mess up sth?Using 1.18
BR waczny
supermacservice You can comment out line 193-212 and add 1 line after or before it with:
<input type="hidden" name="source" value="Other">
I found that too, but how can I use it in the footer too as an example?
<?php echo __('????'); ?>- Edited
can someone help me to read a variable out of the DB?
For example I can easily read out the $ost->company variable like its used in the footer but I can't read out the helpdesk_url
BR waczny- Edited
That is for the staff:
Line 46
echo $info['userid'] ?? null; ?>" placeholder="<?php echo __('Email or Username'); ?>"
That is for the client:
Line 26
<input id="username" placeholder="<?php echo __('Email or Username'); ?>" type="text" name="luser" size="30" value="<?php echo $email; ?>" class="nowarn">