if I want to export my tickets, after the loading sequence it only shows me a grey area. I tried Edge and Chrome and several settings like only 1 ticket and only the ticket number but its always the same.
My installation:

What I see after loading:

I don't see any errors in the logfile regarding this. I can simply refresh the page and I'm back in my queue.

BR waczny


    Since you are using Windows I'm going to bet it's issues with PHP and the Windows Temp Directory. We use the temp directory to generate the export then push it to the browser for download or send it in an email (if you chose that option). Typically, when you get a blank box when using Windows server it's an issue with the Temp Directory. You can either fix the permission issues on the system temp directory, configure your own temp directory and update PHP config to use that, or simply hardcode your own temp directory in the places we use it in the code.

    Something like this might help:


    If I change the path to a new folder, I can't even see the file being written in there. In the default Windows/Temp folder I see at least that the file appears and disappears.


      Then you will need to check your logs (general server logs, webserver error logs, PHP error logs, MySQL/MariaDB error logs, osTicket System Logs, Browser Console logs, etc.) for any related errors.


        I got that in the log
        DB Error #1054
        [SELECT B4.topic AS cdata__topic, B4.priority AS cdata__priority, A1.ticket_id AS ticket_id, B4.machine AS cdata__machine, B4.creator AS cdata__creator, B6.firstname AS staff__firstname, B6.lastname AS staff__lastname, B7.name AS team__name, A1.team_id AS team_id, A1.lastupdate AS lastupdate, MAX(C0.value) AS entries__answers!90__value, (SELECT COUNT(R0.id) AS count FROM ost_thread Q7 JOIN ost_ticket Q8 ON (Q7.object_type = 'T' AND Q7.object_id = Q8.ticket_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_collaborator R0 ON (Q7.id = R0.thread_id) WHERE Q8.ticket_id = A1.ticket_id) AS _collabs, COALESCE(B6.firstname, B6.lastname, B7.name, 'zzz') AS assignee, MAX(C1.value) AS entries__answers!72__value, MAX(C1.value) AS daYtHf72, MAX(C1.value) LIKE '%image%' AS daYtHf7, A1.attachment_count > 0 AS sghwRD6 FROM ost_ticket A1 JOIN ost_ticket_status A2 ON (A1.status_id = A2.id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread A3 ON (A3.object_type = 'T' AND A1.ticket_id = A3.object_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread_referral A4 ON (A3.id = A4.thread_id) LEFT JOIN ost_staff A5 ON (A4.object_type = 'S' AND A4.object_id = A5.staff_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread A6 ON (A1.ticket_id = A6.object_id AND A6.object_type = 'C') LEFT JOIN ost_thread_referral A7 ON (A6.id = A7.thread_id) LEFT JOIN ost_staff A8 ON (A7.object_type = 'S' AND A7.object_id = A8.staff_id) LEFT JOIN ost_team B0 ON (A4.object_type = 'E' AND A4.object_id = B0.team_id) LEFT JOIN ost_team B1 ON (A7.object_type = 'E' AND A7.object_id = B1.team_id) LEFT JOIN ost_department B2 ON (A4.object_type = 'D' AND A4.object_id = B2.id) LEFT JOIN ost_department B3 ON (A7.object_type = 'D' AND A7.object_id = B3.id) LEFT JOIN ost_ticket__cdata B4 ON (A1.ticket_id = B4.ticket_id) LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_priority B5 ON (B4.priority = B5.priority_id) LEFT JOIN ost_staff B6 ON (A1.staff_id = B6.staff_id) LEFT JOIN ost_team B7 ON (A1.team_id = B7.team_id) JOIN ost_form_entry B8 ON (B8.object_type = 'T' AND A1.ticket_id = B8.object_id) LEFT JOIN ost_form_entry_values C0 ON (B8.id = C0.entry_id AND C0.field_id = 90) LEFT JOIN ost_form_entry_values C1 ON (B8.id = C1.entry_id AND C1.field_id = 72 AND C1.field_id = 72) WHERE A1.dept_id = 1 AND ((A2.state = 'open' AND (A1.staff_id = 1 OR A5.staff_id = 1 OR A6.object_type = 'C' AND A8.staff_id = 1 OR A1.team_id IN (2) OR B0.team_id IN (2) OR A6.object_type = 'C' AND B1.team_id IN (2))) OR A1.dept_id IN (1) OR B2.id IN (1) OR A6.object_type = 'C' AND B3.id IN (1)) AND (A1.ticket_pid IS NULL OR A1.flags & 8 != 0) GROUP BY A1.ticket_id ORDER BY B5.priority_urgency ASC LIMIT 50] Unknown column 'A1.attachment_count' in 'field list'<br /> <br /> ---- Backtrace ----<br /> #0 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\mysqli.php(211): osTicket->logDBError()<br /> #1 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\class.orm.php(3482): db_query()<br /> #2 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\class.orm.php(3529): MySqlExecutor->execute()<br /> #3 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\class.orm.php(2104): MySqlExecutor->getArray()<br /> #4 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\class.orm.php(2054): HashArrayIterator->{closure}()<br /> #5 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\class.orm.php(2033): CallbackSimpleIterator->next()<br /> #6 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\class.orm.php(2042): CallbackSimpleIterator->rewind()<br /> #7 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\class.orm.php(1713): CallbackSimpleIterator->valid()<br /> #8 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\class.orm.php(1723): CachedResultSet->fillTo()<br /> #9 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\class.orm.php(1739): CachedResultSet->asArray()<br /> #10 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\include\staff\templates\queue-tickets.tmpl.php(258): CachedResultSet->getIterator()<br /> #11 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\scp\tickets.php(569): require_once('...')<br /> #12 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ga07\scp\index.php(17): require('...')<br /> #13 {main}


          Ah, yea there is an issue with Queue annotations with things like attachment_count, task_count, etc.


            When it is loading I am able to snatch that xxxx.tmp file and get everything I need.
            Cheers! Have a nice weekend!

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