We have osTicket v.1.17.2 setup on Ubuntu Server 22.04.1 LTS.
We're running PHP 8.1.2 with Apache 2.4.52.
I have Active Directory authentication working perfectly for agents -- however -- users can't just log in with their AD username and password -- we get a 500 error if they try to do that. I can register users and then they can log in and see tickets -- but I'd like them to use the same password as their AD login. What might I be doing wrong?

Thank you in advance!


    Did you install the latest build of the LDAP plugin?
    Did you install the latest build of the LDAP plugin before upgrading?
    Do you see any associated errors in your logs (general server logs, webserver error logs, PHP error logs, MySQL/MariaDB error logs, osTicket System Logs, Browser Console logs, etc.)?


    After updating to 1.17, we're having the same issue. I see something about StaffLDAPAuthentication in the apache error log when it attempts to use the LDAP plugin. Any help would be appreciated

    I will say we have the latest ldap plugin.

      We're moving from Zoho to osTicket -- all brand new install with the latest versions. I'll log into the server and see what the logs have to say and post it here.

      After looking at all the logs -- osTicket is the only place I'm finding an error:

      Here is a full listing of the error we are getting:

      [Tue Jan 24 08:06:18.122972 2023] [php:error] [pid 153559] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function dn() on bool in phar:///var/www/html/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php:390\nStack trace:\n#0 phar:///var/www/html/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php(225): LDAPAuthentication->lookupAndSync()\n#1 phar:///var/www/html/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php(479): LDAPAuthentication->authenticate()\n#2 /var/www/html/include/class.auth.php(341): ClientLDAPAuthentication->authenticate()\n#3 /var/www/html/login.php(51): AuthenticationBackend::process()\n#4 {main}\n thrown in phar:///var/www/html/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php on line 390, referer: https://helpdesk.enablecomp.com/login.php

        That was around the time I was trying to log in as a regular user -- non agent AD account.

        [Mon Jan 23 15:54:42.311020 2023] [php:error] [pid 209795] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Err
        or: Call to a member function dn() on bool in phar:///var/www/html/helpdesk/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authenticatio
        n.php:246\nStack trace:\n#0 phar:///var/www/html/helpdesk/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php(479): LDAPAu
        thentication->authenticate()\n#1 /var/www/html/helpdesk/include/class.auth.php(341): ClientLDAPAuthentication->authentic
        ate()\n#2 /var/www/html/helpdesk/login.php(51): AuthenticationBackend::process()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in phar:///var/www
        /html/helpdesk/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/authentication.php on line 246, referer: https://xxx.org/helpde

          Agents can log in 100% of the time -- I'm using the same LDAP instance for Agents and users -- should I not be doing that?


            That should be fine. Others have complained about PHP 8.1 so try downgrading to 8.0.


            I can't go to PHP8.0 at the moment -- is there a way we can get you more information to see if this bug can be fixed or what's the official process?


              I've tried replicating the 8.1 issue repeatedly and cannot replicate the issue so the cause is unknown and I can't debug any further as I cannot replicate the issue. I'm using v1.17.2, PHP 8.1, and OpenLDAP and everything works as expected.

              We do have some LDAP plugin patches and such coming which I referenced above so hopefully that will address the issue for you.


              I am having the same problem, I am running osTicket 1.17.2 with the LDAP Authentication and Lookup plug-in version 0.6.2. I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 with PHP 8.1. The error is the one that includes "Call to a member function dn() on bool..."

              I guess I'm just looking for clarification, I found another thread where it said that the LDAP Authentication plug-in required PHP 8.0 and it also said to look at the documentation. I have searched for official documentation for the plug-in, if I go the docs.osticket.com/en/latest and look at the plugins section, I don't see it listed. Can someone please tell me where to find the official documentation for this plugin?

              Also, can someone verify once and for all whether PHP 8.0 is required or should it be working with PHP 8.1? I have the same plugin installed and working on an older osTicket installation and I was able to copy the configuration settings from there so I'm pretty sure I have it configured right.

              Thank you


                PHP 8.1 should work as I mentioned above. There is no plugin documentation for the ldap plugin.


                I installed php8.0, disabled 8.1, and set apache to use 8.0 to no avail. I'll check out the notes linked.

                I have almost the same problem...
                I upgraded OSTicket from version 1.15.2 to version 1.17.2, going from PHP7.3 to PHP8.1 and MySQL/MariaDB version is 10.3.36. My server is a Debian 10 Virtual Machine.
                I had previously upgraded my plugins including the LDAP plugin to 0.6.2 (Is it really the lastest version ??) and added a LDAP Search User.
                The upgrade is done without problems, the integration of the PHP8.1 Extensions made by myself appears correct after the upgrade (Dashboard > Information looks great with valid sign !).
                No errors in the Apache2 logs for example.
                I upgraded as a Local (root) account so when I try to reconnect with my AD account I get an "Access denied" message.

                I searched the forum and found a solution that works for agents here: https://forum.osticket.com/d/101553-ldap-not-enter-whit-user/66
                You have to change the authentication method to "Local", save and change again to "LDAP" and save. After that the agent account can be reconnected by the LDAP method

                However my "Standard" users who are not "Agents" still can't connect on their side, they get an "Access denied" message.

                I have read many topics in the forum and I can't find any solution, even if I try to change in the database directly in the ost_user_account table the "backend" column by "NULL" and then by "ldap.client" it still doesn't work.

                I'm pretty sure it's not a PHP version problem for my installation (between 8.0 or 8.1) because I don't have an error like you and according to the last post from @KevinTheJedi .
                However, be aware that you have to completely deactivate/uninstall your old versions of PHP to avoid any problems of extension conflicts between versions.

                I'm still looking for a solution but if you have an idea to help me, I'm interested!


                  Ok, I was too fast on this topic ... Thanks for telling me where I should look.
                  Well, now I also get the error of @roark ...

                  I'm going to look for a solution for this problem in PHP 8.1, if I don't find it I'll try in PHP 8.0 ...

                  I'll keep you up to date,
                  Thanks to you anyway @KevinTheJedi !