- Best Answerset by dburson
After looking at further log files I found the issue:
idint(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
plugin_idint(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
flagsint(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
namevarchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
configtext DEFAULT NULL,
notestext DEFAULT NULL,
createddatetime NOT NULL,
updateddatetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (
id), KEY
plugin_id) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8] Table 'ost_plugin_instance' already exists
I ended up making my backups, disabling all plugins that I had, followed by deleting them from the web interface.
I then dropped the ost_plugin_instance from my database and ran the update.
Successful on the first try.
Just wanted to make sure I answered my own issue with the resolution.