Hello to all, I am having issues with this OAuth2 Plugin.
However, I'm 90% sure it's not the plugin.
So, on port 587 I get this error (>>>cannot connect to host; error = stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to tcp://smtp.office365.com:587 (Connection timed out) (errno = 0 ) <<<
The TCP is the wrong transport as far as I know.
I spoke with GoDaddy ( That was Fun ), and one said to try 465, but this still gave an error in SSL.
SSL makes sense but I have the error below...
cannot connect to host; error = stream_socket_client(): Unable to connect to ssl://smtp.office365.com:465 (Connection timed out) (errno = 0 ) <<<
SMTP Authentication is Enabled on the email address 365 Exchange.
I have asked GD if all the transport layers are enabled along with said ports and they insisted there are.
So, what could be the issue if the GD MX Servers are working and everything above is correct?
I have re-done tenant in Azure at least 4 times and this authentication is simple if you follow the instructions.
I was successful the first time I used the Email OAuth2 plugin.
I was also successful every time thereafter and got a validated green token with a TTL every time.
Also, if I leave the SMTP Disabled and leave the IMAP Enabled with Fetching on, the fetching works as intended, and the fetched emails are placed into the relevant ticket numbers.
I am lost.
If anyone can shed some light on this or has had this issue with or without GoDaddy, I would be grateful for assistance or a solution to this strange connection issue.
Many thanks in advanced