We noticed a wrong behaviour on Reject Action filtered tickets both in RC3 and in RC4 (not tested previous RC versions).
We have Apache2 + php 8.0
We have setup accounts, remote mailbox and fetching configuration and everything is working fine (email fetched, tickets created, email deleted as per configuration)
We have setup a filter as follow
Filter Name -> Undelivered Reject
Execution Order -> 1
Stop processing further on match
Filter status -> Active
Target channel -> Email
Filter Rules
Ticket/Issue Summary Contains "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender"
Filter Actions
Reject Ticket
We sent an email with "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" as subject to the above email account already configured and tested.
The Filter works as expected as the ticket is not created and the System Logs dashboard reports the following message:
Ticket denied Ticket rejected (....@....) by filter "Undelivered Reject"
So far so good ...
Issues are:
- one more message appears in the System Logs (and also in the cron error logs sent to local mail user www-data)
API Error (403) Ticket denied - the email in the mailbox results as "seen" but is not deleted
- following cron executions (every 5 minutes as per our configuration) then continue to process the same email showing the same messages until the email is deleted from mailbox "by hand"
We reproduced the same configuration and steps on a 1.15.8 installation and the behaviour is as expected (only first warning message in System Logs dashboard, email correctly deleted from mailbox, ...)
Here we have apache2 + php 7.4
Hope to have been clear ... and somehow useful to improve the excellent work the community is doing here.