
We did address this however it appears certain cases still make logs for some reason. We will look into this.



    Thank you very much! I hope the problem can be solved. If there is anything you want me to test, feel free to let me know.

    When I remove certain email from the mailbox (manually), retrieving the email works again. Is this possibly related to the Ban Filter system? If I delete the filters, it works. However, these filters are needed.

    i hope that can help you:

      KevinTheJedi Thank you for the information! 🙂

      Unfortunately it does not work with POP3 either. As soon as the one email address is in the block list.


        You need to apply the above changes. We applied this in our hosting platform and the issues were resolved.


        What changes are you talking about? I changed it from IMAP to POP3 and the problem persists. I do not know what else to do? Can you maybe explain it to me in short points?


          The change I linked above is not included with v1.17.2 so you have to manually apply the changes I linked above.


          a month later


          I was able to apply the php updates manually (hoping I did them correctly)
          The email fetch still doesn't seem to be working.
          I'm wondering what I could've missed? I've rebooted the server, as well as manually run the cron (we use auto)
          It's entirely possible that I missed something or performed a task 'out of order'
          There are a few emails stuck in the inbox, but no longer any errors with incorrect addresses or banlist problems.
          Any suggestions?


            I would recommend moving the mail out of the folder and test some new mail. Do you see anything in your system logs? Can you run cron manually to see if it spits out any errors?



            Thank you for the quick reply.
            So, I've removed the emails. Ran the cron manually and no dice, rebooted server as well for the heck of it.
            Additionally and interestingly, it's not loading any new errors in the log.

            I've also actually removed the banlist entry and put the original php files back into place.
            Additionally with no luck on the emails. I'm thoroughly confused now as to why emails will not pull through.
            There's got to be something stuck in somewhere, but I can't seem to locate it.


              Check if the email is able to authenticate successfully by clicking Save Changes under Admin Panel > Emails > Emails > click the email in question. Also, check to make sure email fetching is enabled at the email level (in an email's Remote Mailbox tab) as well as the system level (Admin Panel > Emails > Settings > Email Fetching).



              Good call on the Save Changes under the account. It claimed that the token had expired, so it made me refresh the login and confirm 2FA. All set and emails are now working.
              Thank you so much. Cannot express how helpful that was!

              Further into the API 403 error, is the banlist the root cause of the OP topic?
              Or is it related to bad email/ui accounts? I'm just interested in the error and further diagnosing. Thank you again.


                Banlist or a Ticket Filter. When any mail is rejected by either method it causes an issue with the rest of the emails in that batch. You can apply the linked pull request as well as the one below and it should resolve the rejected mail causing subsequent mail to not be fetched issue.


                a month later

                I think that today we hit the same problem here.
                Investigation in progress.
                We will back with results soon.

                19 days later

                Hello KevinTheJedi ,

                I have applied your patch and it is working fine.
                But it cause another problem. In Admin Dashboard, we can not see logs anymore.

                I have checked the logs and it gives the following error:

                AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of ContentAjaxAPI::log($id) must be compatible with ApiController::log($title, $msg, $level = LOG_WARN) in /var/www/vhosts/XXX/ on line 22', referer:

                How can I fix that?
                I have attached the screenshot of the issue as well.