
I have 2 interconnected questions ...

  1. Out company provides a variety of varied services (HR, IT, Accounting etc.. ) We have well over a 100 different Clients (Organizations) These clients have availed either one or more services from us. Is it possible to have a a completely different ticket submission form, for different organizations ?

  2. As mentioned in Point 1, our company offers varied services such as HR, IT Accounting .. Now, with reference to ticket submission, each of the above would have further sub-bifurcations/topics, and many of these sub-topics would have their own sub-topics..

    The absolute top-level services/topics (HR, IT, Accounting etc. ) would be just 6-7. However, each of these could have over a dozen sub-topics, which in turn could each have another dozen or so of their own sub-topics. The catch over here is that we require a different drop-down, based on the main topic, and then, the sub-topic..

    Please refer to the attached image for a pictorial representation of the above

My question is - how do I achieve this ... ?

Hi, I have exactly the same need for the osticket v1.14
And I've founded a lot similar subjects/topics of poeple having the same need on this forum.
I think it is one of the biggest lack of OsTicket atm. OsTicket's engine has got all prerequires to make it work (at list the basic structure of "help topic" / "sub help topic" hierarchy), but the javascript code which would split that "sub / help topics" is missing from the user form.

A few years ago, on this forum, a member named @sosamv coded and shared a "mod" for v1.9 which was regrouping help-topics / sub-topics into a tree list. Like that :

Here is the original post link, and a preview hereunder :

Hello everyone. Here's the mod as promised. This mod was tested with the latest version of osTicket-v1.9.5.1 and it might not work with older versions. Just overwrite the files in the appropiate folders and should work right away. If you would like to see what was actually changed, do a ctrl+f for "@CHANGED".Dynamic forms are working, "Public" and "Disabled" options for the help topics too.Hope you guys like it,sosamv


I hope someone else could develop and share such a plugin or mod.

It would be great to have it included in the next version of OsTicket.
Any fresh news about that @ntozier ? 🙂

    ndb3 Any fresh news about that @ntozier ? 🙂

    I don't have any news about this to share. But then the devs done share everything with me. hehe

    Guys... I'm not bothered about WHAT WAS or WHAT COULD BE ...

    ndb3, your now defunct plugin does not work... So, no point in bringing it up, over here .. I think the developers have made a provision on Github, for feature requests.. It'd be in everyone's best interest, if you made this request over there..

    Not to digress from my original requirement.. Is there any solution ?

    I'm telling you that I've been looking for the same plugin (for a few days/week), I'm sharing with you all my researches... and you reply with SO MUCH AGGRESSIVITY and ANGER...

    You know what ? I will develop it myself, and won't share it with you.

    yiikes .. didn't mean to come-off as angry or aggressive .. I guess the pressure of having to implement the helpdesk system on a deadline, is making me sound like it ..

    ndb3, I know you mean well, but I came here looking for a solution, and I'm heart-pressed for time ..

    anyone with an actual solution/suggestion/work-around ?

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