I would like to populate the subject of an email sent by a filter with the ticket name. is this posible?


Tickets don't have "names".
Do you mean Ticket Number?

I could argue that the ticket subject acts as the ticket's "name" wouldn't you agree.

If I go more to the point, the question would be, can variables be used to populate the subject and/or message of an email sent as the action of a filter.


    SVG-CHILE I could argue that the ticket subject acts as the ticket's "name" wouldn't you agree.

    In no way shape or form would I agree with that. Email Subject is the Issue Summary and vice versa.

    SVG-CHILE can variables be used to populate the subject and/or message of an email sent as the action of a filter.

    Last I checked the only variables that you can use in the "Send an Email" Filter Action are message and source.
    You can give it a try thought to see if anything has changed. I haven't tested in a while.

    a month later
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