When clicking on the language flag to switch from english to arabic, everything switches except for the knowledgebase which remains in english (despite having put a translation in the arabic section for knowledgebase).

And if you're a user (with or without an account), you can't have access to the arabic knowledgebase. Just the english one. There's no way to switch the knowledgebase from english to arabic.
You can only do that as an agent or admin.

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Environment details? (see Admin panel -> Dashboard -> Information)

Did you edit the KB and add translations for the Question and Answer?

Yes we edited the KB and added translations for each one of the questions and answers.
It just doesn't show up.

You might want to try updating to current and re-testing.
I dont know that there were any language improvements between 1.14 and 1.15

I read the latest patchnotes and there weren't any. But we'll be updating to the latest version anyways.


You must add manual translations for each in the Agent Panel. Once you add manual translations for the Categories and Articles they will be appropriately translated.


Just realized we hadn't translated the Categories section...
It still isn't translated at the landing page but at least once they go in, it does translate.
Much better than nothing.
So I'll consider this solved. (now to find the resolved button)

Edit: We translated the Categories section and it still didn't work on 1.14
It works on 1.15 though (we downloaded it on a QA server and tried.)
So we'll be updating to that soon.

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