We have created a sub-category of the Open queue and created 'Awaiting customer response' so at a glance we can see the progress of a ticket. Is there a way to automatically update the status when a customer responds?
We have created a sub-category of the Open queue and created 'Awaiting customer response' so at a glance we can see the progress of a ticket. Is there a way to automatically update the status when a customer responds?
I am in the same boat. A previous discussion mentioned appending it to the "closed" state to do so, but that was 5+ yrs old, and would not be a good solution for reporting or forgetful Agents.
So I would second a Request for Change for this feature. I'm not for sure the technical bits of how filters works yet (I'm new to it as well) but I could not find a good matching condition, if customer post then match, and if current status does/does not equal status-x (we have an "unassigned" status we made for brand new tickets, which we would not want to change to "Awaiting our response" when they reply to a brand new tix), then match.
Since the state changes from closed to open status, upon customer response, the back end components must be there already. I'll do some digging to try and figure out a workaround until they do implement such a feature.
If someone knows exactly where I should be digging for that, I'd appreciate the heads-up. Also, is there an official channel to primary Devs for feature requests, so far I must have missed it?
Official feature requests are done via github.
Please pre-fix your title with [Feature Request].
Here is the link: