osTicket Version v1.10 (we last upgraded in April 2020, so I am asking my sys admin to verify this!)

"New Ticket Auto-Reply" - How would I turn this on or use it? Default operation seems to use "Auto-response" and then could override via filters to use this "Auto-reply". How would I set the filter to do this? I do not see any filter actions to do this.

Next question, In earlier OST versions, the list of ticket collaborators weren't obvious to a user or collaborator when an agent replied. i.e. each collaborator got their own email and the user and other collaborators weren't listed as cc'd. Correct?? Now it seems to have changed whereby when an agent updates a ticket, the user and all collabofators all get the same email with collaborators listed as cc'd. (I think this is AWESOME BTW). Is this understanding correct? what version did this change occur?

Last question (related to above)..... "New Activity Notice" - In earlier versions we used this Notice action to notify collaborators of new activity from an email update since the collaborators weren't all listed as cc's so when someone replied to the main agent / system via email, we needed to make sure all colloborators were cc'd. But now this isn't needed anymore which is great. Question, does this "New Activity Notice" even work anymore for cases updated via email? I can't get it to trigger at all.

Thanks for all your hard work last few years with updates.

    chult osTicket Version v1.10

    This version is end of life and no longer supported. It reached end of life back in 2019.

    chult "New Ticket Auto-Reply"

    Not real sure what this is. Ticket filters have changed a lot over the years and I do not remember what they looked like in 1.10 anymore.

    Maybe you mean the Autoresponder settings? Admin panel -> Settings -> Tickets -> Autoresponder

    chult Next question, In earlier OST versions, the list of ticket collaborators weren't obvious to a user or collaborator when an agent replied. i.e. each collaborator got their own email and the user and other collaborators weren't listed as cc'd. Correct??

    Correct. The system sends one email with all recipients.

    chult Question, does this "New Activity Notice" even work anymore for cases updated via email? I can't get it to trigger at all.

    Do you mean the Agent Alerts and Notices ->New Internal Activity Alert:?

    Agents replying to a ticket via email is logged as an internal notice, and triggers this Alert.

    Collaborators are not Agents, so their responses to the ticket would be entered as new messages. This means that their announcement would be handled:
    For Users via the Autoresponder -> New Message
    For Agents via the Alerts and Notices -> New Message Alert

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