Agents do not have tickets. So it is not a thing in osTicket.
Users have tickets. Those tickets are in Departments, and/or assigned to Teams or Agents.

Agents can also be limited to only see tickets assigned to them at the Agent account level with the check box Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets

    IMO, a typical use case is as follows.

    Customers will send an email to a common email address say,
    all emails drop into OSTIcket for any other CRM for that matter.
    This mailbox is managed by a group of support reps.
    As an agent, when I see a new email (its unassigned), I reply to it.
    When I reply to any unassigned ticket, its like I take ownership of that ticket. So the CRM will make it "my ticket".
    This is the workflow for all support reps.
    Each of the support reps can see un-assigned tickets and their own tickets. We cannot see tickets owned by other support reps unless its assigned manually.
    Our manager can see all tickets & their owners.

    I work for a help desk company & we have worked with almost 20 CRM applications: Zendesk, Zoho, Freshdesk, Desk, Salesforce, Service Now, to name a few. The workflow is the same in all these tools.

    Just sharing my 2 cents if it helps make OSTicket better

    So you have described how osTicket works, and I have no idea what the point is that you are trying to make.

    😅 How to setup OSTIcket so that agents can see their own & Unassigned tickets only. Not tickets owned by others.

    5 days later

    At the expense of sounding dumb, please point me on how to set this up.
    An agent can access only OWN tickets & UNASSIGNED tickets.
    In my current setup, agents can see tickets assigned to other agents as well.

    Tickets are placed in "containers". These containers are called Departments

    Agents will not see a ticket at all unless they have access to the Department that a ticket is placed in.

    Tickets can be assigned to a Team and/or an Agent. If a ticket is in a Department that an Agent does not have access to, but it is assigned to them or a Team they are in than they can see it.

    There is no special setup that you need to do for this functionality. Additionally Departments can be configured to only allow a Agents to see tickets assigned directly to them (mentioned in my first response on this thread).

    As a side note if Department A transfers a ticket to Department B there is a thing called referral access that can be maintained at time of transfer so that the original agent/dept can still see the ticket.

    Agents do not own tickets. Only Users own tickets. If an Agent opens a ticket using their email address it still does not belong to the Agent account. The system creates a user account for the email, and the ticket belongs to the User account. For an Agent to see all tickets that their User account owns they have to log out of their Agent account (and the Staff Control Panel) and log in as a User to see all their tickets.

    @ntozier thanks for the detailed reply, appreciate it -- but I'm still confused 🙁

    • I have one email address setup in OSTicket --
    • I have created 1 department called "support-team"
    • We have a 5 member support team + 1 Manager. They respond to customers' email received via

    Given the above setup, everything is going well.

    All we need is for each member of the support team to have access to Un-Assigned tickets and their own tickets. They should not be able to see tickets owned by other team members. The manager should have access to all tickets.

    Can you please guide me on what I'm doing incorrectly and what changes should I make.

    I understand I may be asking for too much here but it would be of great help!


    • sev replied to this.


      If agents should not be able to see other agents' tickets at all once they are claimed, then that's not really how osTicket works as far as I know. Being able to view the contents of a department is implicit to being assigned to that department as either a primary or secondary department. It doesn't matter who the ticket is assigned to, the ticket will always be visible to the agent if it is assigned to a department the agent has access to.

      I think you would have to create departments for each agent and transfer tickets to that agent's department to get them to not show up for other agents. You could have a department that all agents can transfer out of but do nothing else in (see Admin Panel -> Agents -> Roles) and when an agent wants to pick up a ticket, they transfer it to their own private department. The manager can be added as such to every department so they have access to everything and can get email notifications.

      If it is OK that agents are able to access tickets owned by other technicians, but you just don't want assigned tickets to be visible in the queue, just modify agent queues in Admin Panel -> Settings -> Tickets -> Queues so that the queues visible to agents prevent them from seeing assigned tickets. You can also prevent agents from setting up their own queues if I recall. They will be able to access any ticket in departments they are members of if they have the ticket ID, but they will not see the tickets in the queues. This seems like a much easier path to take...

        sev It doesn't matter who the ticket is assigned to, the ticket will always be visible to the agent if it is assigned to a department the agent has access to.

        ntozier Agents can also be limited to only see tickets assigned to them at the Agent account level with the check box Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets

        ntozier Agents can also be limited to only see tickets assigned to them at the Agent account level with the check box Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets

        The problem with that for what OP is wanting is that agents cannot pick up their own tickets, since they can't see anything not assigned to them. He wants them to be able to see unassigned + assigned-to-me tickets.

        Another way to do this could be to use a filter to assign all incoming tickets to a global team that has all agents inside of it, but then they will still have to assign it to themselves and then release it from the team. I don't think this is as good of an idea, however, since an agent could accidentally leave the ticket assigned to the team, which means others can still see it.

          sev The problem with that for what OP is wanting is that agents cannot pick up their own tickets, since they can't see anything not assigned to them. He wants them to be able to see unassigned + assigned-to-me tickets.


          2 years later

          ntozier this one fix my problem, thanks. Was searching for 2 days. Im glad i came to this forum

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