Hey guys, I'm really excited about these two new releases.

I have started testing v1.14.4 and I'm noticing one potential issue.

Whenever I add either the Google Authenticator 2FA (2fa-gauth.phar) plugin or the Password Management Policies (auth-password-policy.phar) plugins, my installation crashes and spits out an HTTP 500 error (without any useful entries in my log files).

As soon as I moved the files out of my include/plugins folder, my installation works again.

Is it possible that these new plugins have only been tested with v1.15 and are not intended to work with v1.14.x?

New features are rarely (never) backported to older branches. I believe that the new plugins are only intended for use on 1.15+. I will reach out to the devs for confirmation and circle back to this once I receive word either way.

Follow up: The new plugins only work on 1.15+.

    Thanks for checking, ntozier. I wonder if there is a way to have those two plugins hidden when one selects osTicket Core, v1.14.4 (Maintenance Release) from the Download page.

    If so, it may be worth making that effort, to help other users avoid breaking their installations.

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