
so we want, when a Agent answer via his normal Email account to a email from the osTicket it convert the content in a internal note. But everytime the answer would handle as a new ticket.

Maybe there are severell specific informations in the subject of the mail or the ticket had to be assignee?

Thanks for some feedback,

use: v1.12.6
backend is actualy in english
mailtemplate actualy in german
but with english mail template didnt work too

The default behavior of when an Agent answers the most recent email from the ticket system via email is to log the response as an internal note. I've never seen an Agent reply to what you are describing (opening a second ticket).

HAve you modified the email templates to include the ticket # in the subject?

Thanks for your answer @ntozier. I didnt modified the email templates. Use the standard. Is there a additionally configuration anywhere necessary? I only setup the support-mail adress. No further mail-adresses for departments.

The System import any mail from a Agent as internal note or only specific mails that send from osTicket?

Maybe there is a bug in 1.12.6 and you need to upgrade to current (1.14.3).

If the email is assigned to an agent and they reply; if the agent is in the department that the ticket is assigned to and they reply; or if the agent is listed as a collaborator on the ticket, then it should add the text to the Ticket.

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