Hello, i just installed osTicket (1.14.3) and setted it up. Using it with gsuite imap gmail. Im getting emails if i set fetch email in the settings and reload the page, but if i set cron through rcron.php, email won't fetch. I can see in the logs that cron is working "Cron job executed". Nor error if i execute rcron.php through link in browser. Had someone similar issues?
['resolved] rcron.php doesnt fetch emails.
I thin you can mark this tread as resolved, i didn't check Email fetching checkbox in the setting. I thought this checkbox is only for manual fetching when agent is logged in. I assumed when i setted up cron job i don need to check this box.
ntozier locked the discussion.
ntozier changed the title to ['resolved] rcron.php doesnt fetch emails..