I created a new form and added it to an existing help topic. Now creating a new ticket will no longer auto-generate the forms when that help topic is selected, it's just blank.

To get around this We've been hitting "open" which will then generate all the fields (some are required so it wont actually open the ticket, just generate the fields) but this is a band-aid more than a solution.

If I go back and edit the help topic and remove the new form, tickets will go back to generating the fields when that help topic is selected. Additionally, I tried making a new help topic (selecting only forms that were previously created, NOT the new one) and when selected it also fails to generate the fields. I've added many new forms to help topics in the past and this has never been an issue.
We've tried multiple web browsers on multiple computers, all with the same result.
We're running running XAMPP on a windows 10 VM and it's worked wonderfully til now. Any thoughts?

6 days later

First off you are running a old version of osTicket and should upgrade.
Second you are running a version of PHP not officially supported in the current version (1.14.3) and definitely was not supported in the older version.

15 days later

I have made several changes to php files and Im sure updating would mess up a lot of that. Besides, there's no reason to update arbitrarily when the current version works. In regards to the PHP version., I understand it's not "officially supported" but it has been working great until this weird little quirk, so I don't think the version has much to do with it in this case. I'd like to know what troubleshooting can be done to track down this problem.
I'll happily do whatever steps are necessary, but simply pointing out the version is out of date/not officially supported doesnt seem like a particularly helpful response. If it didn't work from the beginning you could write it off as a compatibility issue, but since it's been working great for almost a year I think it's something that can be resolved without the need to big updates.

Let me be clear that I am not strictly against updating things, but I don't know how much customization would be broken with an update, though I assume most if not all.. If there's a way to avoid this I'm eager to know. I've been experimenting with creating new forms and help topics to eliminate variables and narrow down the issue, but I don't seem to be having much luck with this approach. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

3 years later

Consider reverting those changes or investigating if they may have caused the problem. Additionally, check for any updates or patches related to the software or tools you are using, including XAMPP. Additionally, checking for updates and patches related to the software and tools being used, including XAMPP, can provide potential solutions and improve system stability. This guide aims to assist users in troubleshooting software problems by exploring the reverting process, conducting investigations, and emphasizing the importance of keeping crm data enrichment up to date.

Forum moderator (ntozier): removed link
human readable embeded url
https colon slash slashwww dot globaldatabase dot com what dash is-lead dash enrichment

10 days later

@mitchellwashington this thread us three years old and your response is very spammy,
I have removed the link that you embedded and made it human readable.
This is the ONLY warning that you will get. Post like this again and I will lock your account.

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