init_ What plans osTicket staff for a future?
There is no public roadmap currently available. What I know is from talking with devs and reading posts on the forums and github.
init_ How long 1.12.x will be stable LTS version?
1.12.x will end support when the next major version is released. That will be 1.15.x. I'm not sure when that would be, but they do like Dec releases so if I had to guess it would be Q4 2020.
init_ What happend in the future?
Nothing has happened in the future yet... Happened implies past tense. The Future is... the future (queue twilight zone theme).
init_ OsTicket will be fully commecial product or not?
osTicket has a commercial product called
Self hosted (the open source version) will continue to be Open Source.
init_ How much periods between releases we shoud understand?
I don't have a good answer to that question... but historically:
1.14.x had 5 releases in 2019, and one in 2020.
1.12.x had 6 releases in 2019, and one in 2020.
1.11.x had 1 release in 2019. (this version was scrapped)
1.10.x had 3 releases in 2019.