Hello great Osticket People,
I need to make more analysis from the tickets, So I need to export full tickets details to excel file. Please help with instructions.
osTicket (v1.10.1)
Hello great Osticket People,
I need to make more analysis from the tickets, So I need to export full tickets details to excel file. Please help with instructions.
osTicket (v1.10.1)
1.10.x is End of Life and no longer supported. I do not have a 1.10 instance laying around to reference and so would not be able to assist you with your inquiry.
Thank you for kind care .... Do you see if I install the latest version, I well be able to do it.
If so please start the exporting instruction for the latest version.
ahmedvolks I have upgraded to the latest version.
What I need now is:
1- Exporting first response time.
2- I need to know how to show first response time in the closed tickets interface.
I found this solution in the below link:
SELECT number, ResponseTime, TicketCreateTime, round(time_to_sec(timediff(ResponseTime, TicketCreateTime))/60,2) AS FRMins
(SELECT TE.id, T.number, T.ticket_id, TE.thread_id, TE.pid, T.created AS TicketCreateTime, TE.created AS ResponseTime, TE.type, TE.staff_id
FROM ost_ticket T
INNER JOIN ost_thread_entry TE ON (T.ticket_id + 5) = TE.thread_id
WHERE T.created >= date('2020-07-31') AND TE.type = 'R' AND TE.id IN (SELECT min(id) FROM ost_thread_entry WHERE type = 'R' GROUP BY thread_id))AS FTRT_tbl
And I got this results:
007444-2020-08-18-14:41:48 2020-07-31-10:19:02 26182.77
While in real, the ticket details are:
Ticket created:
User1 posted 07/31/2020 12:19 pm
First response:
User2 posted 07/31/2020 12:20 pm
Anyone knows how to Generate this with correct results?