Hey! I have trouble fetching emails from one account. I realized yesterday that some answers from customers are not put into the respective threads. In fact they are nowhere in the ticket system (I searched the database for keywords). But they are moved to the folder as prevented in the settings. We've lost about one third and it's not in certain time slots. It's like two get imported, one not.
Two questions:
- My explanation is: I had auto-cron und a regular cronjob working parallel. Could that have caused the problem.
- Is there a way to import the 74 missing emails or do I have to import them manually.
My data:
osTicket-Version v1.14.1 (f1e9e88)
Server-Software Apache/2.4.25 (Debian)
MySQL-Version 10.1.44
PHP-Version 7.2.30

I would really appreciate your help. osTicket is a really great system and very useful for us in this difficult times.