
having this scenario,
as sales will only assigned to sales a teams, and she can only view their own tickets, open and closed ticket,
this works in 1.12.x with modify code from @uflorin32

any advice how to turn this on in 1.14.2, it seems there is difference

thanks in advance

is "Auto-refer on Close" (inside Admin=>Settings=>Tickets) a solution to this?

We are trying, but it seems is not working as we expected.

    7 days later

    ComLu yes, it still show ticket denied when opening closed ticket

      8 days later

      ichtus check, I forgot, that I apply
      also in the version 1.12.x I need to add, to comment line 263 file include/class.ticket.php
      function isAssigned($to=null) {
      // disable for view closed ticket, for assignment ticket
      #if (!$this->isOpen())

      return false;

      this also works in 1.14.x now. case closed. thanks

      3 months later

      Hey @ichtus we are interested in keeping the view on closed tickets for the initially assigned team, could you describe the work-around you did to achieve this please?

        10 months later

        JuVDC sorry for the late reply, the solution is still the same, applied to version 1.14

        a year later


        staff's user can see all his closed tickets (only tickets closed by him) on every department (not only his department) :

        edit this file : include/class.staff.php
        in function : getTicketsVisibility()
        after this line : $visibility = Q::any(new Q(array('statusstate'=>'open', $assigned)));
        add this line : $visibility->add ( Q::all(array('status
        state'=>'closed', 'staff_id' => $this->getId() )) );

        work fine for me

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