- Edited
FAQs section should be all sorted now http://demos.jaypick.me/osticket1.7(http://demos.jaypick.me/osticket1.7)
Brilliant, thanks. What files need to be replaced?
FAQs section should be all sorted now http://demos.jaypick.me/osticket1.7(http://demos.jaypick.me/osticket1.7)
Brilliant, thanks. What files need to be replaced?
faq.inc.php, faq-category.inc.php, knowledgebase.inc.php in /client/
and main.css in /css/
index.phpfaq.inc.php, faq-category.inc.php, knowledgebase.inc.php in /client/
and main.css in /css
Cool, thanks. All up and running for me, also tweaked stuff a little bit for my liking (added an FAQ button to the header).
Fix status OsTicket
Dear jay_pick!
Great job! It works perfect!
I need your help, because in GetStatus section in the client's view shows me bad file information view.inc.php
I shows the section titles, but not the information ..
Could you help me to identify the error?
Attached an image
Best Regards!! :)
Great job - very clean and modern-looking. I'd have to second adidasrta's question about a version that also skins the staff portal, though, since the most impressive aspect of your theme is its compact presentation on mobile devices (which would be really useful on /scp pages where I work).
anyone else having trouble viewing the file view.inc.php
or is it just my wamp server problem?:(
nice work - how do i now apply that to the sCP administration/help desk staff interface too please?
nice work - how do i now apply that to the sCP administration/help desk staff interface too please?
Not possible unfortunately and as jay_pick is busy with client work we probably won't have an SCP version any time soon.
Hi Guys,
Amazing theme jay_pick! Thanks for that!
I was wondering how to add the knowledge base button to the header?
Pawned you did that? How and where?
Any information regarding this would be great!
Hi Guys,Amazing theme jay_pick! Thanks for that!
I was wondering how to add the knowledge base button to the header?
Pawned you did that? How and where?
Any information regarding this would be great
Hi Valentijn,
This can be easily accomplished by adding <li><a class="faq" href="kb/index.php">FAQ</a></li>
just after the home button in the following file /include/client/header.inc.php
In the end it should look something like this:
<nav id="mainNav">
<ul id="topNav">
<li><a class="home" href="/ts/index.php">Home</a></li>
<li><a class="faq" href="/ts/kb/index.php">FAQ</a></li>
if($thisclient && is_object($thisclient) && $thisclient->isValid()) {?>
<li><a class="my_tickets" href="/ts/tickets.php">My Tickets</a></li>
<?}else {?>
<li><a class="ticket_status" href="/ts/tickets.php">Ticket Status</a></li>
<li><a class="new_ticket" href="/ts/open.php">New Ticket</a></li>
if($thisclient && is_object($thisclient) && $thisclient->isValid()) {?>
<li><a class="log_out" href="/ts/logout.php">Log Out</a></li>
Earlier this year, I released a clean & minimal responsive custom theme for osTicket version 1.6. I've had some demand since for a 1.7 version, which is now available for download here. Enjoy!(http://jaypick.me/themes/responsive-osticket-theme)
I have an existing installation of OS Ticket that I recently upgraded to 1.7. I'm looking at adding this responsive theme to my installation, but I don't want to start over as I have a number of tickets already. I have poured through the forums and don't see any documentation on how to add this to an existing installation. Any chance you could provide some step by step help on that?
Have you made any mod changes to your installation?
If Yes, then you have to manually install all the changes. (yes a real PITA)
If No, then you copy the files in the distribution over your existing files. (As always make backups before you make changes like this.
Someone knows how is possible to migrate the system ?
Thank you..
You want to know how to migrate the theme? *blink blink*
You don't. You install by copying the files from the distribution archive over the existing files in your installation.
Installing on to 1.7.1
Hi I'm having trouble installing your great theme made for 1.7.0 onto 1.7.1. I do an install and then get to upgrade window and it says: "The upgrader does NOT support upgrading from the current patch !"
Screenshot: http://screencast.com/t/DAECXB1KM(http://screencast.com/t/DAECXB1KM)
Anybody found a solution?
The theme was not made for 1.7.1 and will not work with it.
For it to work with versions newer than 1.7ST it will need to be updated. You might try contacting the author to get them to do so.
Any chance this could this be updated to 1.8? Its a brilliant theme just a shame it is outdated.
Hello Jay Pick,where is the readme file. because i wanna install new http://jaypick.me/themes/responsive-osticket-theme i have already installed osticket 1.7ThanksMohan lal