Hi, when i put pictures in the knowledgebase articles it shows a broken link.
When I edit de article it shows the picture.
Any help?
Pictures not visible in knowledgedatabase
Exact steps to replicate would be nice as well as your environment info and osTicket info...
- Creation of knowledgebase article
- Entering text
- Add picture
- save
Image will not be visible in the article.
When you use the 'edit' button, the image will become visible
version osTicket (v1.14.1)
@KevinTheJedi Any idea?
Any idea?
Please give us time to research and debug this issue. Sometimes we cannot answer right away nor even start debugging until we have time. We take time to debug and address every issue as well as work on many other things.
What @ramrajone is asking for is a screenshot of Admin Panel > Dashboard > Information. This gives us all the pertinent information to attempt to replicate your environment and attempt to replicate the issue.
KevinTheJedi Thanks picture above