I am using OSTicket v1.9.8.1 and trying to upgrade to 1.14.1.

Every time I attempt an upgrade, it fails during the database task with this error:
[/** * @signature 0d6099a650cc7884eb59a040feab2ce8 * @version v1.10.0 * @title Add events to the ticket thread * */ ALTER TABLE ost_ticket_event ADD id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST, CHANGE ticket_id thread_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE staff username varchar(128) NOT NULL default 'SYSTEM', CHANGE state state enum('created','closed','reopened','assigned','transferred','overdue','edited','viewed','error','collab','resent') NOT NULL, ADD data varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Encoded differences' AFTER state, ADD uid int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER username, ADD uid_type char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'S' AFTER uid, RENAME TO ost_thread_event] Out of range value for column 'columns' at row 167

I have not yet been able to figure out why this is happening. I have tried upgrading to both 1.14.1 and 1.12.5 and both are producing the same error message.

Any thoughts on how I may resolve this?


What version of MySQL are you using? Also, please find the full MySQL error via MySQL error logs and post here. The error says Out of range value for column 'columns' but in the error you posted above there is no columns column as the error message is incomplete.


    KevinTheJedi Thank you for the reply and fixing my post! 🙂

    On my new server, I installed the latest version of MySQL, version 8.

    I am trying to get the error logs out now.

    KevinTheJedi - I now have this working.

    What I had done when I received the error was:

    1. Export DB from MariaDB from PHPMyAdmin while OSTicket was running v1.9.8.1 on old server
    2. Import the DB to MySQL 8 on new server
    3. Upgrade OSTicket to the latest version on new server

    I was able to fix the issue by following these steps:

    1. Upgrade OSTicket to the latest version on my old server still running MariaDB
    2. Exporting the DB using PHPMyAdmin
    3. Import DB to MySQL 8
    4. Change

    Thanks again for your help!

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