I am using OSTicket v1.9.8.1 and trying to upgrade to 1.14.1.
Every time I attempt an upgrade, it fails during the database task with this error:
[/** * @signature 0d6099a650cc7884eb59a040feab2ce8 * @version v1.10.0 * @title Add events to the ticket thread * */ ALTER TABLE ost_ticket_event ADD id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST, CHANGE ticket_id thread_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', CHANGE staff username varchar(128) NOT NULL default 'SYSTEM', CHANGE state state enum('created','closed','reopened','assigned','transferred','overdue','edited','viewed','error','collab','resent') NOT NULL, ADD data varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Encoded differences' AFTER state, ADD uid int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL AFTER username, ADD uid_type char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'S' AFTER uid, RENAME TO ost_thread_event] Out of range value for column 'columns' at row 167
I have not yet been able to figure out why this is happening. I have tried upgrading to both 1.14.1 and 1.12.5 and both are producing the same error message.
Any thoughts on how I may resolve this?