OSTicket has been throwing mail-related errors since November 1st. These are visible via "Dashboard" --> "System Logs".

The exact error message is as follows (with our email address redacted, of course):
Mailer Error
Unable to email via SMTP:smtp-relay.gmail.com:587 [helpdesk@REDACTED] Failed to set sender: helpdesk@REDACTED [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: -1, response: )]

As for as I can tell our emails are being delivered, so this is strange. We are using Google Apps fro Business by the way.

Thanks in advance

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Environment details?
Version of osTicket?

osTicket will try to first send SMTP (if configured) and then fail back to PHPMail. It sounds like you have a problem with the mail settings. Have you looked at the docs?


Where is everyone getting their Gmail SMTP credentials from? This is like the 3rd person who's using the wrong hostname for Gmail. 🤣

Anyways, your issue is the hostname...with Gmail DO NOT USE THE RELAY HOSTNAME. RELAY HOSTNAME IS FOR RELAYING. You will need to use smtp.gmail.com as the hostname and 587 for the port. Since you are using Gmail Business you might have to create an Application Password for osTicket in your Gmail settings and use that password.


    KevinTheJedi so sorry, I could of sworn I read somewhere on Google's site that smtp-relay should be used for business Google Apps accounts. I changed the setting to smtp.gmail.com and the errors seem to have subsided.

    I appreciate your help.

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