I have downloaded osTicket v1.12.2, and uploaded all files into server, and installed that. PHP: 7.3, MySQL: 5.6
I have uploaded the Norwegian language no.phar into include/i18n. On the admin panel under settings/System, I changed Primary language to norsk, and Secondary Languages to English. After that under Profile/Preferances I set up Prefered Languages to norsk, and Prefered Locale to "Use Language Preferance" (There is no Norway, when I click dropdown list on preferred Locate). But the osTicket still is on English. I see two flags (USA and Norwegian), but the language will not be changed, when I click on Norwegian language. I wonder that installation/setup or some thing is wrong here?
I appreciate any advice and help.

Go to your Agent panel -> profile.
Select the language that you want to use for your account.

    ntozier I have done that, but the language still is on English. I selected norsk as language by agent panel -> profile. The whole use panel is still on English. Any ida what is wrong?

    I had exactly the same problem on a server it was the php version
    Try php 7.1

    It seems that many users have the language issues. My current PHP version is 7.3, I tried 7.0, but the same problem. Language is still on English even though othe selected language.


    So for Agents you need to set System Langauge and Profile language. For Users they need to select the language by clicking the flag that correlates to the language.

    If it’s still not working completely clear cache, completely clear cookies, try a new browser, and restart Apache/PHP-FPM.


      KevinTheJedi I have done that, but user pages are still on English, when I click on Norwegian flag.

      KevinTheJedi FYI: LiteSpeed server, tried PHP 7.0, 7.1 and 7.3
      I put the language module into /include/i18n.
      The admin panel can find the language, and I set up the language as Primary Language as syetem language under setting. I didn't set up any Secondary langauge, så user's pages don't have any flag. So I assume that osTicket should show the Primary LANGUAGE, which is set up within setting.

      Is there any incompatibility with LiteSpeed server? Does PHP need some special feature, which must be turned on?

      Did you install in English, and then add the Language pack?

      LightSpeed is not a supported webserver. We support Apache and IIS at this time.

        5 days later

        ntozier Yes. The installtion package has included English as default language. After installtion I put the Norwegian language file into respective folder. But I see that there is a folder for English called en_US with a lot of files inside, but the Norwegian language package doesn't include such folder. It is only one file called no.phar. I suspect that as reason why the language doesn't work. The other language shouldn't have the simillar folder? I don't think that LightSpeed is the problem, because it is the same as Apache. If you say that LightSpeed is the reason, why my osTicket on LightSpeed works excellent without any problem??? The only problem is the other language doesn't work.

        All the language packs are .phar files.
        Your server has to support PHP .phar -OR- you have to unphar the file.
        A Phar file is sort of like a .zip file that compresses and stores the plugin folder structure and data in it .

          ntozier phar is turned on as PHP Extension. Look at the screenshot of PHP extensions by the attachment. It seems that osTicket doesn't work properly on this issue.

          • RBGE replied to this.

            Kian79 @ntozier I think it might be the Norwegian language pack that has issues here - I downloaded it and activated it on my clone site, but it's staying as English (Americanised). My default language is English UK, and switching to Norwegian puts everything back to en_US.

            Also, Lightspeed still isn't supported 😇

            I notice under Admin -> Dashboard -> Information, the language pack doesn't show any details:

            (French language pack was installed last week to answer somebody else's forum post)

              RBGE I have only Norwegian as Primary Language "norsk", I didn't set any Seconday language. However the whole templates of user pages and templates of emails are on English. It doesn't help either when I put sencondary language for English, so the user pages will get two flags, but the both of them will show all pages on English. I still don't think that LightSpeed is the reason for this issue. osTicket works well on Lightspeed. Any ideas why the
              other language is not treated properly.

              • RBGE replied to this.

                Kian79 I had Norwegian set as the primary language too. My post was stating that I think there's an error with the .phar for this language somewhere, as the translations certainly are there on the crowdin page ( https://crowdin.com/project/osticket-official ).
                A few new strings have been added to the languages on this page with the upcoming 1.14 release, so it may get regenerated anyway, although hopefully somebody will at least be aware a problem does exist with the downloaded file just now. Might also be worth translating the new strings if you have some spare time (took me about 10 minutes to sort the English UK ones), as this means you'll get all the updated strings in 1.14 too.

                  RBGE Sorry, I don't know how to fix that, if some new strings have caused the issue.

                  • RBGE replied to this.

                    Kian79 Sorry, I wasn't clear there - I forget not everyone is a native English speaker at times! The initial point was it doesn't look like you're doing anything wrong, as I had exactly the same issue with the Norwegian language pack - it appears to be an issue with the file downloaded from the osTicket website, so hopefully somebody is able to sort this.

                    A completely separate issue, unrelated to your problem, is that the language files will probably be updated soon as new strings have been added to the crowdin page. If you're able to translate the new strings, it means the updated Norwegian language pack will contain them too, so you won't have random English bits appearing when it's released. It'll also help any other Norwegian osTicket users.

                      RBGE It seems that no one cares about this error except you buy the paid edition.

                      I reported this thread to the devs yesterday to take a look at it.