I know that this has come up before, but I am still seeking an answer to this too and we were advised this would be released in 1.10 but we are now on 1.12 and we still dont have this yet. I desperately need this feature, can someone please advise how I can set it up or if it will be released soon?

Thanks for all your help! Your product is amazing ?

  • RBGE replied to this.

    Awlsupport Yep, this is doable. In Admin -> Manage -> Help Topics you'll see on the mouseover link that each topic has an id (or you can look in the database - this way is just easier and quicker!). For example, https://your.osticket.domain/scp/helptopics.php?id=11

    Just take the id number from the end and put it after open.php such as https://your.osticket.domain/open.php?topicId=11 and that topic will be pre-selected along with any custom forms attached to it.

    21 days later
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