I would like to weight in on this discussion:
I highly recommend upgrading from 1.10.x to 1.12
Our company uses OSticket for all its service queues and support ticketing as well as development tracking.
We used 1.10.4 for about 2 years prior to the release of 1.12 and could not wait for 1.11 at the time as the prospect of having customizable grids and queues was of huge benefit.
Since upgrading we have really seen benefit in the whole custom queue setup, it allows each agent to see only what they need as well as create queues to show high importance tickets.
It has also helped a lot in terms of reporting.
There are a few little things in 1.12 that are frustrating most notable the loss of auth links when sending replying to tickets with collaborators, due to the change in the OST mail logic.
But overall the upgrade has been well worth the wait and it has really helped our organization in management of our tasks and tickets.