How can we get data of Custom Form Field in Export from QUEUE. If anyone is aware of the solution, kindly suggest.

We already have option in QUEUE to Add "Custom Form Field", but Export doesn't have any such option. I feel that both should have some features as showing the data is just one or same as Export data.

How are you attaching the custom fields to the ticket?
Ticket Details? a Subform?

Try adding them to the Ticket Details.

    ntozier I have created new form linked with Help Topic. Then Added one List in new form.

    Pls check below screen capture where Export is not showing this newly added field through Custom Form, but very much available in Column.

    One more screen capture with column Configuration in QUEUE

    I believe that custom fields have to be added to the Ticket Details form to be exported currently.

      ntozier Okay, then how it will be linked to specific Help Topic as I need this field to be dynamic based on Help Topic selection. Is there any way where I can use this in Ticket details form where list will be changed as per help topic selection?

      One more thing as we have given option QUEUE display of this field than it can be done in Export also as both are one or same thing, see if I can get some clue to change in core files at my end for this.

      I'm not sure that you can currently. I'll ask the devs what they think.

        Also interested in this answer, thanks

        ntozier Thanks for support. I am sure dev will share either correct process or solution for this to use Custom form so their field data available in excel export as available for display.

        See if I can get suggested solution for this soon for this at least.

        7 days later
        4 days later

        If there was an update from the devs it would be posted here.

        3 months later
        Any Luck on this issue fixing so far?


        Okay, then how it will be linked to specific Help Topic as I need this field to be dynamic based on Help Topic selection. Is there any way where I can use this in Ticket details form where list will be changed as per help topic selection?

        We do not have a "dependent fields" feature at this time so you cannot have a field that depends on another field to populate data. There is no way to accomplish this at this time unless you modify the code. You can however have fields appear when choosing certain Help Topics but that about it.

        One more thing as we have given option QUEUE display of this field than it can be done in Export also as both are one or same thing, see if I can get some clue to change in core files at my end for this

        Unfortunately, the Export fields selection is basic for now as it only includes Ticket Details form fields. We plan to add all fields including custom fields to exports in the future so please stay tuned.


        3 months later
        7 months later

        Was just wondering, exporting the columns value that are listed in the page might solve the problem isn't, because we can list those number in the search the only question is about the exporting. So if we export what is displayed then we can export the custom fields also right.

        a year later

        Hey OST team. Joined in to dig for this feature and saw there was a thread on it. I would love this feature in our build as well. Any update on the progress of exporting custom fields?


        You can already export custom fields. The caveat to that is that they have to be located on Ticket Details form.

          11 days later

          ntozier Right. We see that from KevenTheJedi's post above:
          "Unfortunately, the Export fields selection is basic for now as it only includes Ticket Details form fields. We plan to add all fields including custom fields to exports in the future so please stay tuned."
          Currently, our environment would benefit greatly from being able to export custom fields outside of the Ticket Details form. We use a number of custom forms that we'd love to pull data on without having to dive into SQL every time.

          Thank you. Also: Love this project. OSTicket is excellent!

          a year later

          I have added few fields in ticket details form which i am able to export as per below screen shot, however i am unable to find closed by field in the export list, is there any way, i can add that field and get this exported along with the above list.
          May be addition in any of the data tables, or through admin page. Please suggest