Our company has decided to implement online solution for complain registration system/ ticketing system. Upon a little bit of research I reached to three conclusion OS ticket, Zendesk and Salesforce.

The decision committee is planning to go for salesforce as it is a system that is already implemented in other company (company where I work is a sister company of another big one). Although my personnel opinion is to go with OS ticket, the some are saying its can be very inconvenient for people to switch between the platform and integrating osticket with our ERP system. Integrating with our ERP with OSticket will be extra work as they have already finished integrating salesforce with our ERP system.

So considering such situation is it possible to integrate the OSticket system with salesforce? If so how difficult is the work and is it recommended? I saw a thread which talks about this but its already closed. Hope you guys will have answer. Thank you

I've never used Sales Force so I do not know. Maybe someone else here has and will answer you.

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