Hi guys.
I'm facing the same issue as @LeanLord with a little difference.
I've installed OSTicket on my local web server (WAMP 3.1.0 on Windows 10 64Bit). I can access all the features and have created tickets and agents etc but what I can't make working is; sending of mails & notifications.
I have an email account that I've created on Exchange 365 online (support@mydomain.com). Tested it and its OK
Input the above address created as the default System Email in OSTicket.
Fetching Email via IMAP or POP - ENABLE
Hostname: "outlook.office365.com". Port: 993. Mail Box Protocol: IMAP + SSL
Sending Email via SMTP - ENABLE
Hostname: "smtp.office365.com". Port: 587
Authentication Required: NO
Header Spoofing: Checked
I did the above configs, SAVED, and it said Configuration successful. Next step, I went on the DIAGNOSTIC tab to do a sending test.
From: support@mydomain.com
To: rakesh_2001@hotmail.com
Subject: osTicket test mail
I even get the following message on top: Test email sent successfully to <rakesh_2001@hotmail.com>

Now, my issue is, I don't receive any mail at all. I'm trying to make it work, trying various combinations...fruitless. I would love to know if it works before implementing.
I would be deeply grateful if you could please help me in resolving this problem as I know many you have experience and can see the mistakes that I haven't seen yet.
Thank you,