Hello everyone, can anyone tell me where I can download OsTicket 1.5x Version, since my php version only will support that version.

I know the 1.5x version is no longer supported, but its the only I really need, and would be of big help if someone could tell me how to downloaded please.

  • [deleted]

Not sure you can

What PHP versions do you have? Even PHP 7.0 is now end of life and not supported. So an old version of PHP and an old vesion of Osticket is going to be a great security risk


    Thank you for your response. For the server data base Im running 5.6 and for web server 7.2 and for right now I cannot upgrade to anything else, and that is the reason why I need OsTicket 1.5x Version.

    If you or anyone else can tell me how I can get it, I would really appreciate it.

    As mentioned, not sure you can. I would contact the devs directly. Use the Contact Us link at the top of the page

    osTicket 1.5 is not downloadable and hasn't been for many years. I do have a copy of 1.6ST, and 1.7+ is still downloadable if you know where to look.

    From memory (which may be faulty):

    • 1.6 supported PHP 5... I think 5.0 to 5.3. (it would likely support up to 5.6 but it wasn't out until well after the product was end of life.
    • 1.7 supported 5.3-5.4 iirc. It may support up to 5.6 but it was a long time ago.
    • 1.8 supported PHP 5.3 - 5.6 iirc. note: this might have been 5.4+
    • 1.9 supported 5.3 - 5.6. note: this might have been 5.4+
    • 1.10 supported 5.4 - 5.6.
    • 1.11 supported 5.6 - 7.0.
    • 1.12 supports 5.6 - 7.2.

    It sounds to me like if you are running PHP 5.6+ you are fine to run the contemporary version.


      Thank you for your comments. May I download a copy of your 1.65 and 1.7 version?


      Thank you very much, I will try to do the installation in a couple of hours, thank you much.


      Forgot to ask you once I have downloaded them, how can I install it in my system? Im using Cpanel.

      Generally you would follow the installation instructions.

      This is for the current version but it shouldn't be much different.

      You need to:

      • Create the database.
      • Create the user.
      • Grant it privs to the database.
      • Create the site in your webserver.
      • Make sure that the site works by browsing to it.
      • Upload the contents of the upload folder to the site.
      • Go to the site, and the installer will run.
      • Give it the information that it needs.
      • Log into the UI (addresses for it should be on the success page)
      • Configure it how you want.

      As a side note technology has changed a lot in the past decade so you may experience problems with things like collecting emails, sending emails, etc. These versions are ancient.

        5 days later


        Wanted to let you know that I have installed 1.6 version and it works great, thank you that.

        In my other version that I had before I deleted, I had the ATTACHMENT button inside where I would do a New Ticket, Can you tell me how I can put that ATTACHMENT Button please?

        1.6 is no longer supported and hasn't been for years and years so I have no idea. I also do not run that version.

        That button has been there as long as I can remember though.


          The reason why I posted on the other discussion its because the Title can make it noticeable to other users. As this discussion was for other reason and not the Attachment, so Im asking please if you can open the other Thread that you have just closed, and this one you can close it instead, CAN YOU?

          Sure I'll close this one instead.

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