Hello everyone, I have been trying to set up my OS ticketing system for the past 3 days now and still getting errors. I am hosted with Godaddy and using Cpanel. I have uploaded all my files and configured how I wanted. I come into a snag when setting up my emails which are hosted on office 365. I am using outlook.office365.com and POP and have tried IMAP as well and nothing seems to work. I keep getting the following error:
Can't open mailbox {outlook.office365.com:993/imap/sslINBOX: invalid remote specification
Can anyone please help me figure this out as I am driving myself crazy trying everything possible. My configuration is as follows:
osTicket Version v1.11 (d4e240b) — Up to date
Web Server Software Apache
MySQL Version 5.6.43
PHP Version 5.6.40
PHP Extensions
gdlib Used for image manipulation and PDF printing
imap Used for email fetching
xml-dom Used for HTML email processing
json Improves performance creating and processing JSON
mbstring Highly recommended for non western european language content
phar Highly recommended for plugins and language packs
intl Highly recommended for non western european language content
fileinfo Used to detect file types for uploads
APCu Improves overall performance
Zend Opcache Improves overall performance
PHP Settings
cgi.fix_pathinfo "1" is recommended if AJAX is not working
date.timezone UTC
Database Information and Usage
Schema ******** (localhost)
Schema Signature ****************
Space Used 0.84 MiB
Space for Attachments 0.36 MiB
Timezone MST (Interpreted as America/Denver)