Hello. Can anyone point me to the organization status flag definitions.
I want to add a new auto-collab for the account manager.

I can see when change an organization via gui -

the status in ost_organization is set to these ( but can't find where to define )

12=assign tickets to Account Manager,
11=if all auto collabs are set,
8 = no collabs/ no autoassign
15=autoassign account manager & autocollabs.

class.ticket.php shows different values than are set for org status.

const COLLAB_ALL_MEMBERS =      0x0001;
const COLLAB_AGENT_MANAGER =    0X0013;
const ASSIGN_AGENT_MANAGER =    0x0004;

const SHARE_PRIMARY_CONTACT =   0x0008;
const SHARE_EVERYBODY =         0x0010;

Thanks for any pointer.


Lookup and research bitmask calculations from hexidecimal base to binary base.


| Hexidecimal       | Binary    |
| 0x0013            | 16        |


    I guess is hexidecimal. Although i'm not sure how combos are set
    setting my new field called somehow got 16=0x0010 to set the check mark.
    to be continued.

    i found thru manually setting status 1-20 found some answers, but still unsure where is defined

    1 = Account Manager + Org Members
    2.= Primary Contact + Account Manager
    3 = Primary + Org + Account Manager
    4 = Assign Tickets from this org to Account Manager
    5 = Assign Tickets from this org to Account Manager + auto-collab(org+acct)
    6= Assign Tickets from this org to Account Manager + auto-collab(primary+acct)
    7= Assign Tickets from this org to Account Manager + auto-collab(org+acct+primary)
    8 = No settings
    9 = auto-collab(acct+org)
    11=auto-collab(all 3)
    12=Assign Tickets from this org to Account Manager
    13=Assign Tickets from this org to Account Manager + auto-collab(acct+org)
    14=Assign Tickets from this org to Account Manager + auto-collab(prim+acct)
    15=Assign Tickets from this org to Account Manager + auto-collab(all 3)
    16=auto-collab(acct only)
    19=auto-collab(all 3)


    | Hexidecimal       | Binary    |
    | 0x0001            | 1         |
    | 0x0002            | 2         |
    | 0x0013            | 16        |
    | 0x0004            | 4         |
    | 0x0008            | 8         |
    | 0x0010            | 16        |


    The combinations add up via the hex
    must be able to be uniq alone and when found within sum, IE similar sequence

    const COLLAB_AGENT_MANAGER =    0x0001;  # <---- new one.
    const COLLAB_ALL_MEMBERS =      0x0002;
    const COLLAB_PRIMARY_CONTACT =  0x0004;
    const ASSIGN_AGENT_MANAGER =    0x0008;
    const SHARE_PRIMARY_CONTACT =   0x0010;
    const SHARE_EVERYBODY =         0x0020;

    select hex(16);
    | hex(16) |
    | 10 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    MariaDB> select hex(32);
    | hex(32) |
    | 20 |

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