HI all, we have random failures with the email, we have a google account config in our OSticket system and sometimes, we can't send any update to the customers by answer the ticket but sometimes yes without any change and when the customers ask by email we can't receive his comments.

This is the error that appears on the system
Incapaz de enviar email por SMTP:smtp.gmail.com:587 [st@ieducando.com] Failed to set sender: st@ieducando.com [SMTP: Failed to write to socket: not connected (code: -1, response: )]

Can anyone help me?

The error says that it failed to set sender because it failed to write to socket. This tells me that something happened with making the connection to the server. This could be on your side or on the mail servers side or I suppose the internet. Normally I would say check the mail server logs to see what that end says but that does not appear to be possible since the mail server is Google.

Do you have any firewall software on the server that might be preventing the connection?
What version of osTicket are you running?
What version of PHP?

I not using a server I'm using a hosting (cyberneticos) I'm using PHP 7.0 and OSTickets v1.10.4 (035fd0a). And the error is not all the time is only sometimes. We can work very well for two weeks and from Sunday we can't work properly

I would recommend that you contact your host and ask how you can look at the (unknown) webserver and php error logs for your site.

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