Hi there, congrats on the osTicket, is really nice, but I have some issues I cannot figure out how to manage.
I have already set up the system 8 times in order to figure out what the problem is, and searched in the forum and read all the documentation.
I simply want to set up the system on Greeks and only for guests (no login). But have in mind that maybe I could add English later on.
So simple I installed Greeks but, when I do that (setting primary language on Greeks, and NOT having any other language), I am losing some functionality. (image1.png) e.g. multiple delete of tickets or users, changing configuration in forms etc. Generaly the ajax calls are having a problem and not working.
When I add a second language (en_US) all admin is translated in English and everything works great, BUT when a user browser at my url the page gets the USER'S preferred language not my primary and the user may not get the emails in the language I want.
Secondary issue.
Also when I am using the el folder from (https://crowdin.com/project/osticket-official), the translations on clients side are not working (image2.png). When I am using the el.phar file everything works great but I get the error on the Dashboard > Information (image3.png)
Settings (image4.png)
Thank you in advance.