4 months later

Hi can this also be used for SAML login for user accounts and not just agents?

    @sixtomarttin that is good to know... if we decide to purchase this are there any step by step manuals/installation guides? I dont have that much understanding of how SAML is implemented via the Azure portal.

    15 days later

    sixtomarttin Hi my company is interested in this can you provide any information to proceed? would like to call if possible. we would also like to have help with installing the plugin.

    a year later

    There is documentation and commercial support is offered as well

    3 months later

    I implemented a new version compatible with 1.17.X and PHP 7.X and 8.X

    25 days later

    Hi Six, thank your for the update.
    We have been running it for 2 years stable now.
    I would request some help in upgrading the portal since the old OSticket doesnt seem to support Oauth mailing .

      Dinzey Disclaimer: sixtomarttin is not one of our employees and not affiliated with our company nor any of our products. Proceed at your own risk.

      We (the core developers of osTicket) offer installation, upgrade, and support services if you are interested. You can always contact us from our website.

        Hi KevinTheJedi i know does the updated version natively support single sign on?
        His plugin does and he has helped us before using this plugin.

          @Dinzey I checked my mail and saw that I sold you the auth-saml extension for osticket v1.15.2

          If you want to do SSO on latest 1.17.3 version you have 2 options:

          • Use an updated version of auth-saml compatible with 1.17.3 (it uses new endpoints, so you will need to update the IdP side), as you are already my customer, you don't need to pay, just sent me a message (not sure if your mail is the same) and I will provide you a link to the new extension.
          • Use the native Oauth2 extension that @KevinTheJedi mentioned

          Yes i would like to receive the updated version!
          Can i reuse the current configuration settings?

          You should probably migrate this conversation to just being between you and the vendor.

            I 100% agree with ntozier here. Any support not pertaining to the core software or core plugins does not belong on this forum. Please contact the modder directly for further assistance.

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