Does anyone now what validation is done on user email addresses? Whether manually entering or importing from CSV. I have kind of figured out by process of elimination that '@' is a required character in the email address field, however my imports still keep failing. I've now got a file with 10 rows and am entering each one manually to see what breaks. Below is an example. What's not valid here? That is a real user email address.

So from the Apache logs I got this:
[Fri Oct 19 15:01:35.351367 2018] [:error] [pid 10132:tid 1524] [client ::1:52309] PHP Warning: dns_get_record(): DNS Query failed in C:\OsTicket\OsTicket_Server\www\include\class.validator.php on line 164, referer: http://localhost/scp/users.php?do=import-users

Are email addresses verified against DNS records?

Looking at include\class.validator.php suggests they are.

In that case, that might explain my error above as some Googling did indeed reveal the address domain to be incorrect...

There are two things that you might running afoul of here.

First go to Admin panel -> Emails -> Settings.
see if Verify Email Addresses is checked.

If it is not then go to Manage -> Forms -> Contact Information.
Locate Email Address, and click the config button for it.
Change the Validator to None.

    ntozier Thank you! I keep missing these settings. Super useful for new data though. You can close this thread.

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